Removing two non-essential amino acids — serine and glycine — from the diet of mice slowed the development of lymphoma and intestinal cancer. Cutting out certain amino acids — the building blocks of proteins — from the diet of mice slows tumor growth and prolongs survival, according to new research published in Nature. Researchers at the...
New enzyme blocks gluten, relieves symptoms of gluten intolerance
New research may have found an enzyme that can relieve symptoms in gluten-sensitive people. The study shows that taking a tablet containing this enzyme can stop the gluten from reaching the small intestine, drastically reducing the symptoms of gluten intolerance. Researchers may have found a way to eliminate symptoms in gluten-sensitive patients. Gluten is...
Burn victims saved by ‘magic’ skin gun which sprays stem cells on to their wounds and enables them to grow new skin
New technique means patients can regrow healthy skin in as little as four days First, a small patch of healthy skin the size of a postage stamp is removed Stem cells are then taken out and put into solution that is sprayed on to wound Man, 45, with horrific hot-water burns was sprayed with 17...
Stroke patients take the lead in their rehabilitation
With Intento’s device, patients self-administer the electrical stimulation. Every year, 17 million people worldwide suffer strokes, and a third are left paralyzed on one side of their body. But current rehabilitation solutions are not always effective in improving mobility declines after the first few months. This is where EPFL startup Intento comes in with...
AI cancer diagnosis tool comes out of stealth mode in China
Chinese radiologists look at hundreds of medical images every day. Infervision hopes to use AI and deep learning to dramatically speed up the repetitive work of detecting lung cancer in its early stages It seems we can add medical imaging to the list of fields about to be revolutionized by artificial intelligence and deep learning computers....
EXCLUSIVE: It’s time to ditch BMI – new revolutionary 3D app measuring abdominal fat with a simple scan finally provides an accurate assessment of weight
EXCLUSIVE: Researchers have released the Body Volume Indicator (BVI) BVI Pro is the world’s first professional iPad app measuring body volume in 3D It is much more useful compared to BMI because it targets visceral fat BMI is a crude measure of body size based on weight in relation to height BVI takes into account...
Type 2 diabetes genetic mapping identifies new ‘loci’
Scientists are closer to understanding the genetic causes of type 2 diabetes by identifying 111 new chromosome locations (‘loci’) on the human genome that indicate susceptibility to the disease, according to a UCL-led study in collaboration with Imperial College London. Type 2 diabetes is the world’s most widespread and devastating metabolic disorder and previously only 76...
Researchers identify immunotherapy targets in early-stage lung cancer
Lung CA seen on CXR. Immunotherapy, which has achieved remarkable results in late-stage lung cancer patients, can also hold great hope for newly diagnosed patients, cutting the deadly disease off before it has the chance to take hold and offering a potential cure, according to a new Mount Sinai study published today in Cell. Researchers...
Atlases of immune cells surrounding tumors may guide immunotherapy
Fluorescent imaging of a tumor section identifies different types of macrophages (green) and T cells (blue) present in the microenvironment of renal cell carcinoma. Two independent studies have begun mapping the connections between and identities of the thousands of immune cells surrounding human tumors. One research group, looking at kidney cancer, found that tumors...
Thousands of men with prostate cancer get risky treatment they don’t need. New approaches could curb that
Precise MD uses fluorescent biomarkers and other features to tell harmless prostate cancer cells from aggressive ones.MOUNT SINAIThey look like glowing jade necklaces of such unearthly brilliance they could be a Ming emperor’s. But if Dr. Gerardo Fernandez is right, the green fluorescent images of prostate cells could be even more valuable, at least to...