Month: <span>November 2018</span>

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Purdue cancer identity technology makes it easier to find a tumor’s ‘address’

Improved drug delivery method is aimed at making chemotherapy easier to help treat people with various tumors. PURDUE UNIVERSITY WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind. – Purdue University researchers have developed a technology aimed at making it easier to deliver cancer treatment to the right “address” in the body while also easing the painful side effects of chemotherapy...


Vine compound starves cancer cells

Professor Gerhard Bringmann, an expert in natural product chemistry, and his team from the Institute of Organic Chemistry at the Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg (JMU) in Germany, together with Professor Suresh Awale and colleagues from the Institute of Natural Medicine of the University of Toyama in Japan have discovered a new, highly effective compound, which is a...


Artificial intelligence predicts treatment effectiveness

How can a doctor predict the treatment outcome of an individual patient? Traditionally, the effectiveness of medical treatments is studied by randomised trials where patients are randomly divided into two groups: one of the groups is given treatment, and the other a placebo. Is this really the only reliable way to evaluate treatment effectiveness, or...


UMN researchers discover important connection between cells in the liver

MINNEAPOLIS, MN- November 15, 2018 – University of Minnesota Medical School researchers have made a discovery which could lead to a new way of thinking about how disease pathogenesis in the liver is regulated, which is important for understanding the condition nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), which is incredibly common and growing. It is apparent...


This STD is more common than gonorrhea, but few people know about it. Researchers are hoping to change that

Johns Hopkins researchers are spearheading efforts to raise awareness and learn more about a sexually transmitted disease few people know about but scientists believe makes people infertile. Credit: CC0 Public Domain Many people infected with mycoplasma genitalium, or Mgen for short, don’t show symptoms and might not know they are carrying the disease. There’s no...


New inflammation inhibitor discovered

A multidisciplinary team of researchers led from Karolinska Institutet in Sweden have developed an anti-inflammatory drug molecule with a new mechanism of action. By inhibiting a certain protein, the researchers were able to reduce the signals that trigger an inflammation. The study is published in Science and was done in collaboration with the University of...


Vietnam veterans and agent orange exposure — new report

The committee that carried out the study and wrote the report, Veterans and Agent Orange: Update 11 (2018), focused on the scientific literature published between Sept. 30, 2014, and Dec. 31, 2017 NATIONAL ACADEMIES OF SCIENCES, ENGINEERING, AND MEDICINE Hypertension Upgraded in Latest Biennial Review of Research on Health Problems in Veterans That May Be...


A gut bacterium as a fountain of youth? Well, let’s start with reversing insulin resistance

Move over Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus. There’s a new health-promoting gut bacterium in town, and it’s called Akkermansia muciniphila. Credit: CC0 Public Domain You will not find its benefits at the bottom of a yogurt cup. But a new study has identified more than one way to nurture its growth in the gut, and offered evidence...


Protein central to immune system function new target for treating pulmonary hypertension

A protein with a role in sensing cell damage and viral infections is a new target for the treatment of pulmonary hypertension, or increased blood pressure in the lungs, according to research led by Virginia Commonwealth University and the University of Sheffield in the United Kingdom.  The disease can lead to heart failure because the heart must...


Drug candidate may recover vocal abilities lost to ADNP syndrome

Protein snippet normalizes disrupted neural connectivity caused by genetic disorder, Tel Aviv University researchers say AMERICAN FRIENDS OF TEL AVIV UNIVERSITY Activity-dependent neuroprotective protein syndrome (ADNP syndrome) is a rare genetic condition that causes developmental delays, intellectual disability and autism spectrum disorder symptoms in thousands of children worldwide. There is no known remedy for the disorder. A...