Month: <span>June 2022</span>

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Drug discovery approach reveals why drugs for cystic fibrosis fall short

Drug discovery approach reveals why drugs for cystic fibrosis fall short

by The Scripps Research Institute Scripps researchers analyzed many genetic variants associated with cystic fibrosis across the population to determine how the CFTR protein’s functional structure changes with disease and therapeutics. Credit: Scripps Research To cure rare genetic diseases, from cystic fibrosis to Niemann-Pick, scientists at Scripps Research have turned to a computational approach usually...

Chemists created a sensor that accurately detects the pH saliva of human

Chemists created a sensor that accurately detects the pH saliva of human

URAL FEDERAL UNIVERSITY IMAGE: TIMOFEY MOSEYEV HAS BEEN WORKING ON THE SENSOR CREATION SINCE 2015. CREDIT: URFU / REGINA PIDGAETSKAYA Chemists at the Ural Federal University have created a sensor for determining the human saliva pH. This is a fluorophore with strong and stable emission, which picks up the smallest fluctuations in the pH(tenths) in...

New system that defines Huntington’s disease will ‘revolutionize’ drug trials

New system that defines Huntington’s disease will ‘revolutionize’ drug trials

by University College London A montage of three images of single striatal neurons transfected with a disease-associated version of huntingtin, the protein that causes Huntington’s disease. Nuclei of untransfected neurons are seen in the background (blue). The neuron in the center (yellow) contains an abnormal intracellular accumulation of huntingtin called an inclusion body (orange). Credit:...

When it comes to ADHD and ASD, the eyes could reveal all

When it comes to ADHD and ASD, the eyes could reveal all

by University of South Australia Group differences in the b40 and op80 DWT coefficients across the five flash strengths. The ADHD group exhibited higher b40 and op80 energy levels across the flash series. In contrast the difference between ASD and controls was more significantly reduced for the op80 energy compared to the b40 at the...

Primary hyperparathyroidism linked to bone fracture, stroke and heart attack

Primary hyperparathyroidism linked to bone fracture, stroke and heart attack

by University of Gothenburg Cumulative incidences for patients with primary hyperparathyroidism (pHPT) and control individuals. The cumulative incidence of events for untreated pHPT and control groups was estimated using 1-minus Kaplan-Meier estimate of the corresponding survival function and presented with 95% CIs (indicated by shaded areas). Credit: JAMA Network Open (2022). DOI: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2022.15396 In the hormonal disorder...

How mindfulness and dance can stimulate a part of the brain that can improve mental health

How mindfulness and dance can stimulate a part of the brain that can improve mental health

by Adrianna Mendrek, The Conversation Activating the somatosensory cortex may help us connect to our bodies, develop our sensitivity, sensuality and capacity to feel pleasure. Credit: Shutterstock Like a thick velvety headband, the somatosensory cortex arcs across the top of brain from just above one ear to the other. I fell in love with the brain as...

Tongue and lip piercings may damage teeth and gums

Tongue and lip piercings may damage teeth and gums

by European Federation of Periodontology (EFP)  Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain Oral piercings should be removed to save teeth and gums, urged dental professionals displaying an e-poster at EuroPerio10, the world’s leading congress in periodontology and implant dentistry organized by the European Federation of Periodontology (EFP). “Our study found that many people with oral piercings had...

Deep learning empowers discovery of new genetic mutation in cancer

Deep learning empowers discovery of new genetic mutation in cancer

by Will Doss, Northwestern University EagleC predicts a full range of high-resolution SVs from chromatin interaction data. (A) Workflow of the EagleC framework. (B to G) Examples showing different types of SVs predicted by EagleC. The black dashed circle indicates the SV breakpoint position in each case. The resolution of each Hi-C map is labeled...

Review shines a light on the overlooked virus, hepatitis D

Review shines a light on the overlooked virus, hepatitis D

by Cactus Communications  Chinese Medical Journal review gives an overview of HDV, the therapeutics being developed to battle HDV infection, and the future scope of research in this field. Credit: Chinese Medical Journal Viral hepatitis is a serious health condition that affects the liver. While hepatitis B and C viruses are commonly targeted by public...