Month: <span>April 2023</span>

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Research finds hospitals’ cash prices for uninsured often lower than insurer-negotiated prices

by Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain Two new studies led by researchers at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health shed light on current U.S. hospital practices. In one, the researchers found that the prices hospitals negotiate with commercial health insurance companies that get passed along to insured patients frequently exceed...

Combining cell transplantation and gene therapy to enhance axonal outgrowth in the central nervous system

Combining cell transplantation and gene therapy to enhance axonal outgrowth in the central nervous system

by Kyoto University Credit: Kyoto University A study published in the journal Stem Cell Reports on March 23, led by Dr. Ryosuke Tsuchimochi and Professor Jun Takahashi, examined the effects of combining cell transplantation and gene therapy for axonal outgrowth in the central nervous system. The authors demonstrated the potential of this combinatorial therapy for promoting axonal regeneration...

Gut microbiota, Alzheimer’s and the central nervous system

Gut microbiota, Alzheimer’s and the central nervous system

by Justin Jackson, Medical Xpress Genetic association between PRSs for Collinsella and APOE rs429358 genotype in the discovery sample. Individuals in the discovery sample were separated by their genotype at the APOE SNP rs429358. Those with the genotype of TC and CC had higher PRSs for genetically predicted Collinsella abundance than those with the TT...


Scant Evidence for Proton Pump Inhibitor Role in Gastric Cancer

Laird Harrison January 12, 2023 The available evidence suggests that proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) do not cause gastric cancer, researchers say. The study could help resolve a controversy over one of the most serious side effects attributed to the widely used medications. “Our findings are reassuring, especially to all those patients who have an indication for long-term PPI use...


Can Particles in Dairy and Beef Cause Cancer and MS?

Angela Speth, MD March 13, 2023 In our Western diet, dairy and beef are ubiquitous: Milk goes with coffee, melted cheese with pizza, and chili with rice. But what if dairy products and beef contained a new kind of pathogen that could infect you as a child and trigger cancer or multiple sclerosis (MS) 40-70 years later?...


There are numerous benefits for using an essay writing service

An essay writing service is a great option for students looking to excel in their chosen field of study. An essay that is poorly written can cause disastrous results. Poor academic writing can result in poor results on tests. Students may be removed from school or suspended for more serious offenses. Many times writing short,...


Strategies For Effective Research Paper Writing

In the midst of a hectic semester, many college students spend hours of research correct my grammatical errors paper writing to get their papers finished ahead of time. But research papers aren’t all about collecting facts and statistics. Some research papers really have to be written to convince

What to know about blinking exercises for dry eyes

What to know about blinking exercises for dry eyes

A person can do blinking exercises to help treat dry eyes. This may involve closing the eyes and squeezing the eyelids shut over a set time. Dry eyes are one of the most common causes of visits to the eye doctor. Symptoms can vary from mild to severe, and treatments are available depending on the...