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Repeated eye injections for age-related macular degeneration associated with increased risk for glaucoma

Patients with age-related macular degeneration who received seven or more eye injections of the drug bevacizumab annually had a higher risk of having glaucoma surgery, according to a study published online by JAMA Ophthalmology. The advent of intravitreous (in the vitreous, the fluid behind the lens in the eye) anti-vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) injections to...


Diabetes can be reversed in just 4 MONTHS through a combination of drugs, exercising and a healthy diet

Experts tested a combination of pills, insulin and therapies on Type 2 patients This resulted in 40% of patients entering remissions, the researchers found  They were able to stay in remission 3 months after stopping diabetes drugs Diabetes can be reversed in just four months by intensive medical treatment, new research shows. Despite being considered...


The cholesterol drug that outperforms statins: Patients on the medication are ‘27% less likely to suffer a heart attack’, landmark trial shows

Patients were treated with the injectable drug Repatha as part of a two-year trial  Bad cholesterol levels dropped by 60% more than those who were just on statins  Experts say the ‘extremely potent’ drug could potentially save thousands of lives  A powerful cholesterol drug cuts the risk of heart attacks by a quarter, a landmark...


Web-based counseling lowers blood pressure as much as meds: study

The average blood pressure of those taking part in the study began at around 140/90 mmHg, meaning they had what is clinically known as stage 1 hypertension   People who received regular lifestyle counseling online were able to lower their blood pressure as much as a medication would, researchers said Saturday. Their study involved 264...


Researchers decipher how the body controls stem cells

Stem cells are unspecialized cells that can develop into any type of cell in the human body. So far, however, scientists only partially understand how the body controls the fate of these all-rounders, and what factors decide whether a stem cell will differentiate, for example, into a blood, liver or nerve cell. Researchers from the...


The key to OCD treatment may be a single protein

German scientists claim to have singled out a protein called SPRED2 as the cause of symptomatic behaviors of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), such as constant hand-washing   Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) can be a debilitating condition, as persistent anxious thoughts lead sufferers to repeat an action to the point where it interferes with their everyday life. The...


Cannabis Can Help Cure Alzheimer’s If Lawmakers Are Flexible: Experts

Cannabis holds great promise in treating dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. But the opportunity is being allegedly blocked by the federal regulators in the United States, according to researchers. Reports say that California’s Salk Institute is facing legal hurdles in advancing the research in cannabis cure. Their goal is to offer an effective treatment for these fatal diseases...


Old target, new mechanism for overcoming tuberculosis resistance

In strains of tuberculosis that have developed drug resistance mutations, researchers have identified a secondary pathway that can be activated to reinstate drug sensitivity. The rise of drug-resistant tuberculosis poses a serious threat to humans, with approximately 580,000 cases occurring in 2015, resulting in about 250,000 deaths. Current treatments against the tuberculosis-causing bacteria include prodrugs,...


Dementia not prevented with vitamin E, selenium, study finds

An ample body of research has shown that oxidative stress plays a key role in the development of neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. As a result, antioxidant supplements have been proposed as preventive measures against dementia. A new trial, however, tests the effect of vitamin E and selenium on aging men and...


Don’t want dementia? Turn the kettle on: Just ONE cup of tea a day lowers the risk of toxic clumps forming in the brain

Researchers found that drinking tea reduces the risk of dementia by some 50% While those who carry a ‘dementia gene’ can slash their chances by around 86% And it doesn’t matter whether you prefer green tea or black, experts claim Tea leaves are considered to have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant benefits There’s never been a better...