Multiple sclerosis is a debilitating neurological disease that affects tens of thousands of Americans. While there is yet no cure for the illness, researchers are working hard to understand its causes and mitigate its symptoms. New research investigates the effects of cutting-edge cognitive training technology on people with multiple sclerosis. New research tests the effects...
Author: admin
Teach yourself everyday happiness with imagery training
Flashbacks of scenes from traumatic events often haunt those suffering from psychiatric conditions, such as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). “The close relationship between the human imagery system and our emotions can cause deep emotional perturbations,” says Dr Svetla Velikova of Smartbrain in Norway. “Imagery techniques are often used in cognitive psychotherapy to help patients...
Brief report: vocational outcomes for young adults with autism spectrum disorders at six months after virtual reality job interview training.
Abstract Young adults with high-functioning autism spectrum disorder (ASD) have low employment rates and job interviewing presents a critical barrier to employment for them. Results from a prior randomized controlled efficacy trial suggested virtual reality job interview training (VR-JIT) improved interviewing skills among trainees with ASD, but not controls with ASD. We conducted a brief...
Asthma drugs could prevent deadly form of pneumonia, research suggests
Researchers Amber Cardani, PhD, and Thomas J. Braciale, MD, PhD, have determined that early administration of two drugs commonly used to treat asthma and allergies may prevent a deadly form of viral pneumonia. Two drugs used to treat asthma and allergies may offer a way to prevent a form of pneumonia that can kill...
Google Research and Daydream Labs: Seeing eye to eye in mixed reality
Virtual reality lets you experience amazing things—from exploring new worlds, to painting with trails of stars, to defending your fleet to save the world. But, headsets can get in the way. If you’re watching someone else use VR, it’s hard to tell what’s going on and what they’re seeing. And if you’re in VR with...
Could hearing loss be treated with a shot to the ear?
Scientists can now regrow the inner ear cells that convert sound waves to nerve signals If you’ve ever been warned about listening to too much loud music, then you may have heard that the sound-processing cells in our inner ear are killed by loud noises … and they don’t regenerate. Well, it’s true. Known as hair...
Second cause of hidden hearing loss identified
Some people can pass a hearing test but have trouble understanding speech in a noisy environment. New research identifies a new mechanism for this condition just years after its discovery. Patients who complain they can’t hear their friends at a noisy restaurant, but pass a hearing test in their doctor’s office, may be describing hidden...
Federal lawsuit accuses three insulin manufacturers of conspiring together to raise their prices as research finds cost increased 120% over four years
Federal lawsuit accuses Sanofi SA, Novo Nordisk and Eli Lilly & Co of simultaneously increasing the price of insulin Research firm found prices of drug from three companies increased between 99 and 120 percent from 2012 to 2016 Lawsuit plaintiffs claim that some skipped meals or underdosed their insulin because they could not afford treatment...
Test subjects type fast – using only their brains
Brain-computer interfaces are able to translate commands in the mind into real-world actions When a person suffers paralysis, a fully functioning brain can be trapped inside an immobile body. More and more, brain-computer-interface (BCI) technology is coming to the rescue in such cases, allowing paralyzed people to do everything from operating a speech computer to controlling an...
How blood can be rejuvenated
Our blood stem cells generate around a thousand billion new blood cells every day. But the blood stem cells’ capacity to produce blood changes as we age. This leads to older people being more susceptible to anemia, lowered immunity and a greater risk of developing certain kinds of blood cancer. Now for the first time,...