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Doctors left astonished after a British girl’s inoperable brain tumour, which left her unable to walk or swallow, has started to disappear following a cancer trial not yet available in the UK

Lucy Moroney, nine, is in, Mexico, for a revolutionary chemotherapy trial It involves injecting cancer-fighting drugs into tumours via the arteries Just months ago, Lucy was told she had an inoperable brain tumour Unable to walk or swallow, she flew thousands of miles for the last-ditch therapy Her family have already endured the loss of...

October 10, 2017October 10, 2017by In Cancer

Researchers Find “Executioner Protein” That Causes Cancer Cells to Self-Destruct Without Hurting Healthy Cells

IN BRIEF Scientists have discovered a way to use the “executioner protein” BAX to induce apoptosis in cancer cells while leaving healthy cells intact. The treatment has so far been applied only to acute myeloid leukemia (AML) cells but may have broader uses. KILLING CANCER WITH APOPTOSIS Albert Einstein College of Medicine scientists have induced...

October 10, 2017October 10, 2017by In Cancer

Novel platform for investigating quiescence in dormancy-capable cancer cells

This is a diagram depicting the cell response of immobilization within a stiff, yet highly porous silica-PEG matrix. Dormancy capable cancer cells survive in an inactive state when immobilized within the matrix meanwhile dormancy incapable cancer cells are rapidly eliminated. A team of researchers from the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities has reported a novel encapsulation...

October 3, 2017October 3, 2017by In Cancer

UTA study says zinc can halt the growth of cancer cells

Zinc supplements can significantly inhibit the proliferation of esophageal cancer cells, according to a new study co-authored by a University of Texas at Arlington researcher. Previous studies had shown that zinc is essential for maintaining human health and protects the esophagus from cancer. However, it has never been fully understood why zinc has the ability...

October 3, 2017October 3, 2017by In Cancer

Study splits incurable childhood brain tumors into 10 new diseases

Scientists have found that deadly childhood brain tumours are actually 10 different diseases that should each be diagnosed and treated based on their specific genetic faults. The major new study has important implications for treatment, since personalising care for each type of brain tumour is likely to be much more effective than grouping them all together as one....

October 3, 2017October 3, 2017by In Cancer

Fatal glandular cancer will soon be possible to treat

A new combination of existing drugs has been shown to block the cancer gene behind a fatal form of glandular cancer, adenoid cystic carcinoma. The findings from the Sahlgrenska Academy can lead to new treatment for patients with this disease relatively soon. Adenoid cystic carcinoma is a slow-growing but fatal form of cancer originating from...

October 3, 2017October 3, 2017by In Cancer

New cancer-causing syndrome uncovered

Certain genetic mutations thought to be associated with a rare bone marrow disease may instead predispose individuals to early-onset cancer, two new studies suggest. The research indicated that mutations in the FANCM gene are not – contrary to current understanding – related to Fanconi anemia, which is an inherited disease of the bone marrow. However, researchers report that FANCM gene...

October 3, 2017October 3, 2017by In Cancer

Plant substance inhibits cancer stem cells

Lab experiments show that the chemical compound damsin found in the plant Ambrosia arborescens inhibits the growth and spread of cancer stem cells. The similar but synthetically produced ambrosin has the same positive effect, according to researchers at Lund University and University Major of San Andrés in La Paz, Bolivia. The plant Ambrosia arborescens grows...

October 3, 2017October 3, 2017by In Cancer

Light-based cancer therapy moves through clinical trials

A light assay used in the new cancer treatment moving toward clinical trials.    In 2016, a dog named Eliza made the national news after a miraculous recovery from a terminal cancer diagnosis. The 13-year-old Labrador retriever had been given five weeks to live when she received “immunolight therapy,” an experimental treatment developed through a...

October 3, 2017October 3, 2017by In Cancer

Team identifies a switch that may help target dormant cancer cells

Cancer cells.    A study by scientists at the University of Arizona and the University of Pittsburgh may hold the key to targeting dormant—or inactive —cancer cells, which are resistant to chemotherapy and other treatments. The results were published today in the journal Cell Reports. Cells can enter a sleeplike state known as quiescence, during which they...

September 26, 2017September 26, 2017by In Cancer