Prolonged overactivity of killer T cells summoned to a tumor or infection site can render them useless to dispatch invaders,...
Drug combination delivered by nanoparticles may help in melanoma treatment
Gavin Robertson, professor of pharmacology, pathology, dermatology, and surgery; director of the Penn State Melanoma and Skin Cancer Center and...
‘Google Earth’ for tumours could change cancer diagnostics and drug testing forever
This entry is part 12 of 16 in the series Grand Challenge Think of a tumour like a rapidly growing city...
Leukemia drug fends off cancer for a decade, study shows
The cancer drug Gleevec The cancer drug Gleevec appears to keep chronic myeloid leukemia at bay a decade into treatment — with...
Castration-resistant Prostate Cancer Cell Growth Impeded by Endostatin
BIRMINGHAM, Ala. – Failure of hormone deprivation therapy, which is used to slow prostate cancer in patients, leads to castration-resistant...
Scientists stimulate immune system, stop cancer growth
Increasing expression of a chemical cytokine called LIGHT in mice with colon cancer activated the immune system’s natural cancer-killing T-cells...
Obstacles Posed by the Tumor Microenvironment to T cell Activity: A Case for Synergistic Therapies
T cell dysfunction in solid tumors results from multiple mechanisms. Altered signaling pathways in tumor cells help produce a suppressive tumor...
Could antidepressants stop prostate cancer from spreading?
In almost all cases where prostate cancer spreads to other areas of the body, the disease spreads to the bone...
The intestine has a reservoir of stem cells that are resistant to chemotherapy
These comprise a small group of passive stem cells -quiescent- that are activated when needed and have the capacity to...
Vitamin C can target and kill cancer stem cells, study shows
Cancer is currently one of the top killers worldwide, and the number of cancer cases is only expected to rise....