Many older adults want to live at home independently as they age. Sometimes all they need is a little help...
Home sensors that can predict when an elderly person will have a fall 3 WEEKS before they have the accident
Infra-red monitors can detect subtle changes in the health of elderly people Sensors are placed in each room of the...
New antibiotic from bacteria found on an ant could beat MRSA
A new antibiotic, produced by bacteria found on a species of African ant, is very potent against antibiotic-resistant ‘superbugs’ like...
Antibiotics could be alternative to surgery as treatment for appendicitis
A study by researchers at the University of Southampton shows that antibiotics may be an effective treatment for acute non-complicated...
Encouraging signs for potential new antibiotic
A new antibiotic developed at the University of Plymouth is for the first time shown to be a viable alternative...
Method Developed by Biomedical Scientists Could Help in Treatment of Several Diseases
UC Riverside researchers’ method measures the efficiency in real time of a processing pathway that plays an important role in...
Researchers engineer new thyroid cells
Researchers have discovered a new efficient way to generate thyroid cells, known as thyrocytes, using genetically modified embryonic stem cells....
New studies unravel mysteries of how PARP enzymes work
(From left) Dr. Ziying Liu, Keun Woo Ryu, Dr. W. Lee Kraus, and Dr. Xin Luo led research studies that...
U.S. science advisory committee supports genetic modification of human embryos
Embryos could soon be edited—but there are some caveats. Ever since CRISPR—the relatively cheap and easy-to-use genome editing technique—made its way...
Cancer-killing robots could one day be injected into our bodies and controlled using magnets to fight disease
The researchers can control the behaviour of each bot using magnetic fields Tiny magnetic screws allow the robots to move...