Tag: <span>Almonds</span>

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Is a calorie a calorie? Not always, when it comes to almonds

Is a calorie a calorie? Not always, when it comes to almonds

by  University of Toronto Credit: CC0 Public Domain Researchers at the University of Toronto have found that a calorie labeled is not the same as a calorie digested and absorbed when the food source is almonds. The findings should help alleviate concerns that almonds contribute to weight gain, which persist despite the widely recognized benefits of...


How Accurate Are Calorie Counts for Almonds, KIND Bars, and Other Foods?

Calorie information on food labels is back in the spotlight after the makers of KIND bars announced they’re lowering the calorie count on their wrappers. Their decision was based on recent research that scrutinized how calories are calculated on food items. Experts say calorie labels are only supposed to be a guide, not an exact...


Are almonds beneficial for people with diabetes?

Almonds and almond milk may provide several health benefits for people with diabetes. As these nuts are high in protein, healthful fats, and fiber but low in carbohydrates, they may increase satiety and aid blood sugar regulation and weight management. Diabetes is a long-term condition that affects how the body regulates blood sugar levels. Although...


Almonds may help boost cholesterol clean-up crew

Eating almonds regularly may help improve HDL cholesterol levels, functionality Eating almonds on a regular basis may help boost levels of HDL cholesterol while simultaneously improving the way it removes cholesterol from the body, according to researchers. In a study, researchers compared the levels and function of high-density lipoprotein (HDL cholesterol) in people who ate...