Tag: <span>anti-vaxxers</span>

Home / anti-vaxxers

Why Anti-vax Doctors Are Ordering 23andMe Tests

Naturopaths have long been obsessed with a gene called MTHFR. Now vaccine skeptics are testing for it too. David Reif, now a biologist at NC State, realized his old paper had taken on a dangerous second life when he saw it cited—not in the scientific literature, but in a court case. The paper was titled...


How to talk to anti-vaxxers

When Rachel Alter started off as a graduate student, she expected to investigate epidemics, bioterrorism and disease eradication. But her focus started to shift after she began chatting with anti-vaxxers—people opposed to vaccination—on Facebook. Now, as a research assistant at the National Center for Disaster Preparedness at Columbia’s Earth Institute, she wants to find ways...