Tag: <span>Artery stiffness</span>

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Coconut sugar may lower blood pressure, artery stiffness in older adults

Coconut sugar may lower blood pressure, artery stiffness in older adults

by American Physiological Society Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain A first-of-its-kind study finds a natural coconut sugar may help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease by improving blood vessel health and managing high blood pressure. The study is published ahead of print in the Journal of Applied Physiology. Higher blood pressure and arterial stiffness with older age are two risk factors...

Artery stiffness may predict Type 2 diabetes risk better than BP and standard risk factors

Artery stiffness may predict Type 2 diabetes risk better than BP and standard risk factors

by American Heart Association Credit: CC0 Public Domain Arterial stiffness was a better predictor of future risk of Type 2 diabetes than blood pressure, and people with a combination of high blood pressure and stiffer arteries had the highest risk of developing diabetes, according to new research published today in Hypertension, a peer-reviewed journal of the...