Tag: <span>blood vessels</span>

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New study is first to find brain hemorrhage cause other than injured blood vessels

New study is first to find brain hemorrhage cause other than injured blood vessels

by University of California, Irvine t-BHP-treated RBC stall in cerebral blood vessels and impair cerebral blood flow velocity shown by in vivo high-resolution two-photon imaging in mice. Schematic of the experimental design (A). RBC were collected from FVB/NJ mice, treated with control PBS or the oxidative stressor t-BHP, then labeled with the PKH26 fluorescent dye...

Coronary artery disease discovery offers answers about nation’s no. 1 killer

Coronary artery disease discovery offers answers about nation’s no. 1 killer

by Josh Barney, University of Virginia UVA researchers say they have found a biological process that contributes to the disease and may be a target for life-saving therapies. Credit: Emily Faith Morgan, University Communications University of Virginia Health researchers probing the causes of coronary artery disease have identified critical biological processes that can go wrong inside the linings of blood...

New method tracking changes in blood vessels could advance brain disease detection

New method tracking changes in blood vessels could advance brain disease detection

by Brown University In stunning detail, Brown engineer Jonghwan Lee can use retinal scanning technology to image the vasculature of neural tissue. Credit: Jonghwan Lee While age-related brain disorders like Alzheimer’s disease often develop slowly across an individual’s lifetime, they usually aren’t detected until symptoms have already started. With that in mind, teams of biomedical researchers led by...

Mini Robot Enters Blood Vessels, Completes Surgery

Mini Robot Enters Blood Vessels, Completes Surgery

MICHELLE HAMPSON 07 MAR 20233 MIN READ SCIENCE PHOTO LIBRARY/GETTY IMAGES JOURNAL This article is part of our exclusive IEEE Journal Watch series in partnership with IEEE Xplore. When a patient has a blocked artery or blood vessel, a team of surgeons must carefully thread an ultrathin catheter through the person’s blood vessel to reach the lesion...

Researchers discover vasculogenic fibroblast, a missing piece in understanding how blood vessels are made

Researchers discover vasculogenic fibroblast, a missing piece in understanding how blood vessels are made

by Indiana University School of Medicine Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain Researchers from the Indiana Center for Regenerative Medicine and Engineering (ICRME) have identified a new type of cell in the human and mouse body, called the vasculogenic fibroblast, that provides critical insight into how new blood vessels can be made when needed for treatment. Blood...

Examining how poor diet damages blood vessels

Examining how poor diet damages blood vessels

by Leipzig University Obesity induces organ-specific changes in ECs. a, Experimental design; n = 3 animals per group. The FACS plot shows exemplary gating for CD31+CD45low cells; sc, subcutaneous; vis, visceral; mo., months. b, Uniform manifold approximation and projection (UMAP) clustering of ECs from seven organs of mice on a WD or chow diet after filtering. Colors correspond to the organ...

Electrospun Construct Mimics Elasticity of Blood Vessels

Electrospun Construct Mimics Elasticity of Blood Vessels

NOVEMBER 7TH, 2022 CONN HASTINGSCARDIAC SURGERY, MATERIALS, PEDIATRICS, SURGERY, THORACIC SURGERY, VASCULAR SURGERY Researchers at the University of Sydney in Australia have developed an electrospun blood vessel replacement. The material contains tropoelastin, a natural precursor for elastin, a key component of blood vessel walls. Elastin is present in concentric circles in natural blood vessels and...

Training blood vessels may help protect against heart attack, stroke

Training blood vessels may help protect against heart attack, stroke

by Iowa State University A study participant sits in James Lang’s lab at Iowa State during a microvascular test. Credit: Photo courtesy of James Lang/Iowa State University The majority of heart attacks and strokes in the world are ischemic, meaning a clot or buildup of plaque in an artery prevents oxygen-rich blood from reaching cells...

What makes blood vessels grow?

What makes blood vessels grow?

by  Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine Cells of the inner vessel wall—the endothelial cells (turquoise/white)—migrate into the surrounding tissue to form new connections there. Credit: Michael Potente, MDC Blood vessels must adapt their growth to the nutrients available in their surroundings so that they can keep organs adequately supplied. A team led by Michael Potente...

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