Tag: <span>Cancer Treatment</span>

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One-third of cancer patients use complementary and alternative medicine

UT SOUTHWESTERN MEDICAL CENTER DALLAS – April 11, 2019 – A stunning one-third of people with a cancer diagnosis use complementary and alternative medicines such as meditation, yoga, acupuncture, herbal medicine, and supplements. Watch video: Complementary and alternative medicines: Are they a good for cancer patients? UT Southwestern Medical Center’s Dr. Nina Sanford made the discovery that’s now drawing renewed attention to habits she said cancer patients must disclose during treatment. Dr. Sanford is...


Desperate & duped? GoFundMe means big bucks for dubious care

A new study found that people seeking dubious, potentially harmful treatment for cancer and other ailments raised nearly $7 million over two years from crowdfunding sites. In this image from the video posted on YouTube on Aug 11, 2018, Michelle Drapeau, a stomach cancer patient in West Palm Beach, Fla., speaks about her condition. Drapeau set...


The immune system of the alpaca reveals a potential treatment for cancer

The natural world often provides the answer to unsolved medical problems. On this occasion, the solution to a challenge posed by cancer has come about from the immune system of camelids. A study headed by the Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB Barcelona) and the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), in Belgium, describes a number of therapeutic tools that have...


Diabetes drug and over-the-counter aspirin could improve the effectiveness of cancer treatment, reveal studies

Metformin may slow breast cancer growth and reverse treatment resistance Adding aspirin to a cancer drug could help combat tumors resistant to therapies These include pancreatic, lung and colorectal cancers, as well as melanomas A widely-used diabetes drug and over-the-counter aspirin could help boost the effectiveness of cancer treatments, two studies suggest. Research has found that metformin...

December 12, 2017December 12, 2017by In Cancer


Current treatments involve targeting and killing specific cancer cells, but new research points to the efficacy of an ecological approach to curing the disease. Close-up view of cancer cells. In 1976, Peter Nowell put forth the idea that cancer was more than an overwhelming growth of cells. Just like a family tree, he argued, cancer...


DNA damage caused by cancer treatment reversed by ZATT protein

An international team led by scientists at the National Institutes of Health is the first to discover a new way that cells fix an important and dangerous type of DNA damage known as a DNA-protein crosslink (DPC). The researchers found that a protein named ZATT can eliminate DPCs with the help of another protein, TDP2....


A new paradigm for treating transcription factor-driven cancers

In the current issue of Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, researchers from Nationwide Children’s Hospital describe a new paradigm for treating transcription factor-driven cancers. The study focuses on Ewing sarcoma and how the EWS/FLI transcription factor drives the malignancy – and suggests ways to disrupt the process. Transcription factors are involved in the process...

September 19, 2017September 19, 2017by In Cancer

New way to kill cancer is better than chemotherapy: Treatment will use a patient’s immune system to wipe out all of a tumour’s cells

Scientists say they have found a way to prompt the immune system into helping  They found a protein which enables chemotherapy to kill tumour cells ‘silently’ The new form of chemotherapy acts as sort of red flag to the immune system  The drug could be available to Britain’s 356,000 cancer patients within decade Scientists have new...

September 5, 2017September 5, 2017by In Cancer

Personalised cancer treatment

In Norway, more and more people are being affected by cancer of the mouth and throat. In recent years, the incidence has increased but the mortality has remained the same. Cisplatin is one of the most commonly administered cytostatics for this patient group. At the start of treatment, the drug works well. Gradually, though, most...

September 5, 2017September 5, 2017by In Cancer