Tag: <span>Cell growth</span>

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Researchers discover key to epithelial cell growth

Researchers discover key to epithelial cell growth

by Monash University Credit: Fayette Reynolds M.S. from Pexels Australian researchers have discovered a new way that epithelial cells, which form layers in organs like the skin and stomach, attach to one another, and how they perceive growth signals at these attachments, helping them form tissues of the right size and shape. Epithelial cells cover the...


Scientists crack structure of a novel enzyme linked to cell growth and cancer

UC Riverside-led study could lead to the development of drugs that target liver and other cancers UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA – RIVERSIDE RIVERSIDE, Calif. — RNA, or ribonucleic acid, is present in the cells of all living beings and required to synthesize proteins. A research team at the University of California, Riverside, has discovered the structure...


Whitehead Institute team resolves structure of master growth regulator

Posted Yesterday This news or article is intended for readers with certain scientific or professional knowledge in the field. A team of Whitehead Institute scientists has for the first time revealed the molecular structure of a critical growth regulator bound to its partner proteins, creating a fine-grained view of how they interact to sense nutrient...


NIH researchers create new viral vector for improved gene therapy in sickle cell disease

‘Forward-oriented’ design might boost treatment effectiveness and broaden use NIH/NATIONAL HEART, LUNG AND BLOOD INSTITUTE Researchers at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) have developed a new and improved viral vector–a virus-based vehicle that delivers therapeutic genes–for use in gene therapy for sickle cell disease. In advanced lab tests using animal models, the new vector was up to 10 times more efficient at incorporating corrective genes into bone marrow stem...


A new signaling pathway for mTor-dependent cell growth

Date: August 27, 2019 Source: Forschungsverbund Berlin Summary:A team led by the scientist has now discovered how inactivation of a certain lipid kinase promotes mTor complex 1 activity, and may therefore constitute a new point of attack for the treatment of diabetes and cancer. The activation of mTor complex 1 in the cell is central to many vital processes...


Essential amino acid in humans, methionine, controls cell growth programs

A recent study from the Laxman lab at inStem, Bangalore, elucidates how a small metabolite and amino acid, methionine, acts as a growth signal for cells, by setting into motion a metabolic program for cell proliferation NATIONAL CENTRE FOR BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES IMAGE: A RECENT STUDY FROM THE LAXMAN LAB ELUCIDATES HOW A SMALL METABOLITE AND AMINO ACID, METHIONINE, ACTS AS A GROWTH SIGNAL FOR CELLS, BY SETTING INTO...


Older adults grow just as many new brain cells as young people

Researchers show for the first time that healthy older men and women can generate just as many new brain cells as younger people. There has been controversy over whether adult humans grow new neurons, and some research has previously suggested that the adult brain was hard-wired and that adults did not grow new neurons. This...