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Chimeric tool advanced for wide range of regenerative medicine, biomedical research applications

Chimeric tool advanced for wide range of regenerative medicine, biomedical research applications

The findings on cellular communication hold promise for early human development, disease progression, and aging, as well as organ transplantation and for testing therapeutics. The ability to grow the cells of one species within an organism of a different species offers scientists a powerful tool for research and medicine. It’s an approach that could advance...

Chimeric tool advanced for wide range of regenerative medicine, biomedical research applications

Chimeric tool advanced for wide range of regenerative medicine, biomedical research applications

by  Salk Institute Using fluorescent stains, researchers are able to visualize cells of different species origins in an early stage embryo. Credit: Weizhi Ji, Kunming University of Science and Technology The ability to grow the cells of one species within an organism of a different species offers scientists a powerful tool for research and medicine. It’s an approach that could...