Tag: <span>Cholesterol Denialism</span>

Home / Cholesterol Denialism
Cholesterol Denialism is Pseudoscience

Cholesterol Denialism is Pseudoscience

theheart.org on MedscapeCOMMENTARY Christopher Labos, MD CM, MSc, FRCPCDISCLOSURES | May 02, 2024 How did cholesterol denialism become a pseudoscience? It happened so slowly that many of us didn’t notice. But somewhere along the way, cholesterol deniers stopped questioning the scientific evidence and started denying it. Christopher Labos, MD CM, MSc If you weren’t paying...

Cholesterol Denialism is Pseudoscience

Cholesterol Denialism is Pseudoscience

theheart.org on MedscapeCOMMENTARY Christopher Labos, MD CM, MSc, FRCPC DISCLOSURES | May 02, 2024 How did cholesterol denialism become a pseudoscience? It happened so slowly that many of us didn’t notice. But somewhere along the way, cholesterol deniers stopped questioning the scientific evidence and started denying it. Christopher Labos, MD CM, MSc If you weren’t...