Tag: <span>Concussion</span>

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Concussed athletes’ brains benefit from just 20 minutes of exercise

by Maggie MacLellan, University of Western Ontario Researchers tested athletes’ executive function before and after exercising using a rapid eye test. Credit: Kim McCready/Western Health Sciences In a new study, Western researchers have shown just one 20-minute session of moderate intensity aerobic exercise can improve an athlete’s executive function and concussion symptoms in the early stages...


Active management proves most effective for concussion recovery

by Ellen Goldbaum, University at Buffalo Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain Active management after concussion is the best way for patients to recover and get back to school and work as quickly as possible, according to a Clinical Practice paper published today in the New England Journal of Medicine. The paper is authored by John J. Leddy, MD, the University...


Don’t miss a quiet symptom of concussion

by Mayo Clinic News Network Credit: CC0 Public Domain Dizziness, headaches, confusion, fatigue, blurry vision and sensitivity to light are among the most common symptoms of a concussion. Once these symptoms have subsided and patients begin to resume their regular activities, they also may experience often-overlooked, underlying effects of concussion—persistent ringing in their ears, sensitivity...


Early research on a new concussion sign to look out for 

You probably know some of the classic concussion signs to watch for: Did the person lose consciousness? Appear dazed or confused? Have a change in mood? Research published this morning (like just now at 6 am ET) in Diagnostics has identified a new potential signal: “the spontaneous headshake after a kinematic event,” or SHAAKE.  You’ve seen people...

October 23, 2024October 23, 2024by In News

Researchers find co-occurrence of depression and concussions amplify symptoms of both conditions

Graphical abstract. Credit: Brain Research (2024). DOI: 10.1016/j.brainres.2024.149200 Depression and sports-related concussion are neurological conditions that have many overlapping symptoms and uncertain recovery timelines. A study led by researchers at the Penn State Department of Kinesiology demonstrated that the co-occurrence of depression and concussion was associated with significantly worse symptoms for both conditions. Additionally, the researchers found that electrical signals in...

Do You Have A Mild Concussion? New AI Might Aid Diagnosis

Do You Have A Mild Concussion? New AI Might Aid Diagnosis

SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY NEWS A USC Viterbi undergraduate’s research could offer vital insights into diagnosing traumatic brain injury early with 99% accuracy. CT images of the brain. CT images of the brain. Image credit: Photo/Pexels Whether it’s from a sports injury, whiplash, or a bump to the head, many patients with mild concussion don’t even...


Researchers find that pre-existing mental health diagnoses may prolong time to recovery from concussion

by Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public DomainResearchers from the Minds Matter Concussion Program at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) have found that youth with pre-existing mental health diagnoses experienced a greater burden from emotional symptoms after concussion, as well as a prolonged time to recovery. Importantly, the study was the first of its kind...

Higher exercise volume after concussion tied to lower symptom burden in multicenter study

Higher exercise volume after concussion tied to lower symptom burden in multicenter study

by Elana Gotkine For children with concussion, higher cumulative moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (cMVPA) during the first and second weeks post-injury is associated with lower symptom burden, according to a study published online Feb. 16 in JAMA Network Open. Andrée-Anne Ledoux, Ph.D., from the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario Research Institute in Ottawa, Canada, and colleagues...


‘Brain Fitness Program’ May Aid Memory Loss, Concussion, ADHD

Megan Brooks A 12-week multidimensional “brain fitness program” provides multiple benefits for individuals with attention-deficit/hyperactive disorder (ADHD), post-concussion syndrome (PCS), and memory loss, new research shows. The program, which consists of targeted cognitive training and electroencephalography (EEG)–based neurofeedback, coupled with meditation and diet/lifestyle coaching, led to improvements in memory, attention, mood, alertness, and sleep. The...

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