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Possible discovery of mechanism behind mysterious COVID-19 symptoms

In patients with serious and long-term COVID-19, disturbed blood coagulation has often been observed.  Now, researchers at LiU have discovered that the body’s immune system can affect the spike protein on the surface of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, leading to the production of a misfolded spike protein called amyloid. The discovery points to a possible connection between...

Possible discovery of mechanism behind mysterious COVID-19 symptoms

Possible discovery of mechanism behind mysterious COVID-19 symptoms

by Karin Söderlund Leifler, Linköping University Picture of amyloid from the SARS-CoV-2 virus’ spike protein, seen using an electron microscope. When the spike protein is mixed with the enzyme neutrophil elastase in test tubes, branched protein fibrils are created, which potentially can cause disturbed blood coagulation in patients with COVID-19. Credit: Sofie Nyström and Per...



That’s the conclusion of a case report on the experiences of two such patients cowritten by nursing scholars at the University of California, Irvine. The effects of COVID-19 on individuals range from mild symptoms to several weeks of illness to ailments including brain fog, joint pain, exercise intolerance, and fatigue that last for months after...

Here’s how the omicron variant of COVID-19 symptoms differ from the flu or a cold

Here’s how the omicron variant of COVID-19 symptoms differ from the flu or a cold

Emily DeLetter Cincinnati Enquirer Cases of the omicron variant of COVID-19 have been rising, now accounting for 73% of new infections last week, federal health officials said Monday.  Numbers from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have shown nearly a six-fold increase in omicron’s share of infections in only one week. While the CDC says it’s still...

Early COVID-19 symptoms differ among age groups, research finds

Early COVID-19 symptoms differ among age groups, research finds

by  King’s College London Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain Symptoms for early COVID-19 infection differ among age groups and between men and women, new research has found. These differences are most notable between younger age groups (16-59 years) compared to older age groups (60->80 years), and men have different symptoms compared to women in the early stages of COVID-19 infection. The...

Half of young adults with covid-19 have persistent symptoms 6 months after

Half of young adults with covid-19 have persistent symptoms 6 months after

THE UNIVERSITY OF BERGEN IMAGE: ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR BJØRN BLOMBERG, PROFESSOR REBECCA COX, AND PROFESSOR NINA LANGELAND CREDIT: INGRID O. L. HAGERUP UIB A paper published in the prestigious journal Nature Medicine on long-COVID, describes persistent symptoms six months after acute COVID-19, even in young home isolated people.  The study from the Bergen COVID-19 Research Group...

Women under 50 suffer from persistent COVID-19 symptoms for longer

Women under 50 suffer from persistent COVID-19 symptoms for longer

COVID-19 stays with you even after the negative diagnosis. Some symptoms are long-lasting and can significantly alter one’s quality of life. Scientists are researching this phenomenon, called long COVID, and found that it is more common in women under 50 and people who experienced severe disease. Furthermore, this research led by the University of Glasgow showed that...

Coronavirus: French Doctors Think Dermatological Issues Could Be COVID-19 Symptoms

Coronavirus: French Doctors Think Dermatological Issues Could Be COVID-19 Symptoms

By Nhx Tingson The novel coronavirus infection has no universal symptom, although the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) note dry cough, fever, and shortness of breath as the most common signs of COVID-19. Nevertheless, there have been accounts of “atypical” COVID-19 cases wherein people who tested positive...