Tag: <span>Dementia Warning</span>

Home / Dementia Warning

Slowing down in your old age? It may be a dementia warning sign

EDITH COWAN UNIVERSITY It’s generally accepted we will lose muscle strength and slow down as we age, making it more difficult to perform simple tasks such as getting up, walking and sitting down. But new Edith Cowan University (ECU) research indicates this could also be a signal for another sinister health concern of ageing: late-life dementia. To...


Sleep Disorders an Early Dementia ‘Warning Sign’?

Pauline Anderson August 03, 2022 Sleep disorders are associated with a 17% increased risk for dementia, results from a large registry-based study show. “From our research, we can’t exclude a diagnosis of a sleep disorder in many cases being a warning sign for dementia,” study investigator Gunhild Waldemar, MD, professor of clinical neurology, Faculty of Health and...