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Small, involuntary eye movements help us see a stable world

Our eyes are never at rest. Instead, they remain in motion, even between our voluntary gaze shifts, through fixational eye movements—small, continuous movements of the eye that we are not aware of making. Scientists have long sought to understand how we humans can perceive the world as stable as our eyes are constantly moving. Past research...

Not-so private eyes: Eye movements hold clues to how we make decisions

Not-so private eyes: Eye movements hold clues to how we make decisions

by University of Colorado at Boulder Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain New research led by scientists at the University of Colorado Boulder suggests that eyes may really be the window to the soul—or, at least, how humans dart their eyes may reveal valuable information about how they make decisions. The new findings offer researchers a rare...

Eye movements could be the missing link in our understanding of memory

Eye movements could be the missing link in our understanding of memory

by Roger Johansson and Mikael Johansson,  The Conversation Credit: Shutterstock Humans have a fascinating ability to recreate events in the mind’s eye, in exquisite detail. Over 50 years ago, Donald Hebb and Ulrich Neisser, the forefathers of cognitive psychology, theorized that eye movements are vital for our ability to do this. They pointed out we move our...


Eye movements and machine learning reveal signs of illness

DTU machine learning algorithm analyzes patterns in eye movements in patients with neurological and psychiatric disorders and helps in diagnosis. The ability to make eye contact with other people is an important part of our social interaction with each other. Among other things, we read joy, trust, and interest through eye contact, but we also look at...