Tag: <span>gut microbes</span>

Home / gut microbes
Gut microbes linked to fatty diet drive tumour growth

Gut microbes linked to fatty diet drive tumour growth

16 May 2024 By Gillian Dohrn Scientists know there is a link between obesity and some cancers. A study in mice and people suggests why that might be. A Desulfovibrio bacterium. This group of gut bacteria has been linked to a suppressed immune system, which can allow breast-cancer tumours to flourish. Credit: PNWL/Alamy Researchers have...


Gut microbes revealed as key players in liver disease solutions

Chinese Academy of SciencesIn the editorial published on 4 September 2023, in the “gut-liver axis” special issue of the journal Hepatobiliary & Pancreatic Diseases International, Dr. Jian-Gao Fan and Dr. Lu Jiang from Xinhua Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine provided a comprehensive elucidation of the pivotal role of gut microbiota...

Different antibiotics’ effects on gut microbes may impact hypertensive organ damage

Different antibiotics’ effects on gut microbes may impact hypertensive organ damage

by American Society of Nephrology Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain New research in rodents indicates that altering gut microbes may affect the development of organ damage associated with hypertension. The findings will be presented at ASN Kidney Week 2023, November 1–5. For the study, scientists used narrow-spectrum antibiotics to specifically deplete Gram-negative or Gram-positive bacteria in rats...

How gut microbes help mend damaged muscles

How gut microbes help mend damaged muscles

by Ilima Loomis, Harvard Medical School Graphical abstract. Credit: Immunity (2023). DOI: 10.1016/j.immuni.2023.01.033 The human immune system is incredibly versatile. Among its most skilled multitaskers are T cells, known for their role in everything from fighting infection to reining in inflammation to killing nascent tumors. Now, in a surprising new discovery, Harvard Medical School researchers have found that a...

A novel, powerful tool to unveil the communication between gut microbes and the brain

A novel, powerful tool to unveil the communication between gut microbes and the brain

by Ana María Rodríguez, Baylor College of Medicine This protocol gives researchers a road map to understand the complex traffic system between the gut and the brain and its effects in health and disease. Credit: From the Labs at Baylor College of Medicine. In the past decade, researchers have begun to appreciate the importance of a two-way communication that...

Gut microbes can boost the motivation to exercise, research finds

Gut microbes can boost the motivation to exercise, research finds

by Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania Illustration of bacteria in the human gut. Credit: Darryl Leja, National Human Genome Research Institute, National Institutes of Health Some species of gut-dwelling bacteria activate nerves in the gut to promote the desire to exercise, according to a study in mice that was led by...

Gut microbes influence binge-eating of sweet treats in mice

Gut microbes influence binge-eating of sweet treats in mice

by Lori Dajose, California Institute of Technology Gut microbiota reduce the incentive salience of a high-sucrose reward and decrease activity in mesolimbic brain regions linked to reward behaviors (A) Schematic illustrating timeline of fixed-ratio 1 (FR1) training and progressive ratio (PR) breakpoint testing. (B) High-sucrose pellets obtained during daily FR1 training sessions of VEH (n =...

Gut microbes may lead to therapies for mental illness, study reports

Gut microbes may lead to therapies for mental illness, study reports

by UT Southwestern Medical Center Credit: CC0 Public Domain The role of the microbiome in intestinal and systemic health has garnered close attention among researchers for many years. Now evidence is mounting that this collection of microorganisms in the human gut can also impact a person’s neurological and emotional health, according to a recent perspective...


Gut microbes differ in men with prostate cancer

EUROPEAN ASSOCIATION OF UROLOGY Researchers have found a significant difference in the gut microbiota of men with prostate cancer, compared with those who have benign biopsies. The study is presented at the European Association of Urology annual congress (EAU22), in Amsterdam. Although the finding is an association, it could partly explain the relationship between lifestyle...

Could gut microbes regulate appetite and body temperature?

Could gut microbes regulate appetite and body temperature?

14 APR 2022 2:00 PM BY ELIZABETH PENNISI Gut bacteria can influence the brain’s temperature controls and stimulate nest-building in mice. KLEIN AND HUBERT/MINDEN PICTURES With more microbes than cells in our body, it’s not surprising that bacteria and other invisible “guests” influence our metabolism, immune system, and even our behavior. Now, researchers studying mice...