Tag: <span>healthy people</span>

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Only a modest reduction in added sugar consumption is needed to achieve Healthy People 2030 target

Only a modest reduction in added sugar consumption is needed to achieve Healthy People 2030 target

by Elsevier Credit: CC0 Public Domain Reducing caloric intake from added sugars is a Leading Health Indicator in Healthy People 2030, a national public health initiative led by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services that sets data-driven national objectives to improve health and well-being over the next decade. Although many Americans consume too much...

Krill oil may be beneficial to muscle function and size in healthy people over the age of 65

Krill oil may be beneficial to muscle function and size in healthy people over the age of 65

by University of Glasgow Knee extensor maximal torque, grip strength and vastus lateralis muscle thickness at baseline, 6 weeks and 6 months and corresponding 6-month treatment effects in control and krill oil groups. Data are mean (SD) for baseline 6 week and 6-month data and mean (95%CI) for 6-month treatment effects. ∗ denotes a significant...