Tag: <span>Immune system</span>

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Researchers Use Gold Nanorod Scattering to Identify Immune System’s ‘Killer and Savior’

Researchers Use Gold Nanorod Scattering to Identify Immune System’s ‘Killer and Savior’

Further development of this technique will lead to novel methods to predict stages of manifestation of diseases like cancer, atherosclerosis, and fibrosis from simple tissue fluids or blood samples. Every biological system is naturally equipped with a defense mechanism to protect against abnormal changes caused by either local, environmental, or biochemical alteration. White blood cells (WBC) play...

Study shows how exercise stalls cancer growth through the immune system

Study shows how exercise stalls cancer growth through the immune system

by  Karolinska Institutet People with cancer who exercise generally have a better prognosis than inactive patients. Now, researchers at Karolinska Institutet in Sweden have found a likely explanation of why exercise helps slow down cancer growth in mice: Physical activity changes the metabolism of the immune system’s cytotoxic T cells and thereby improves their ability to...

How the immune system deals with the gut’s plethora of microbes

How the immune system deals with the gut’s plethora of microbes

by  Rockefeller University A large, multi-colored collection of germinal centers observed in the mesenteric lymph node of a mouse. The gut is an unusually noisy place, where hundreds of species of bacteria live alongside whatever microbes happen to have hitched a ride in on your lunch. Scientists have long suspected that the gut’s immune system, in...


Priming the immune system to attack cancer

UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA Immunotherapies, such as checkpoint inhibitor drugs, have made worlds of difference for the treatment of cancer. Most clinicians and scientists understand these drugs to act on what’s known as the adaptive immune system, the T cells and B cells that respond to specific threats to the body. New research from an international team co-led...

Giving the immune system a double boost against cancer

Giving the immune system a double boost against cancer

by Jennifer Michalowski,  Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory A highly specialized cell, the fibroblastic reticular cell, coordinates immune responses to cancer cells. In this image, a single fibroblastic reticular cell is identified, by staining it: the cell nucleus (blue), markers that identify fibroblast cells (red), and a molecule that attracts immune cells (green). Cancer immunotherapies, which empower...


How the immune system remembers viruses

TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF MUNICH (TUM) When a virus enters the body, it is picked up by certain cells of the immune system. They transport the virus to the lymph nodes where they present its fragments, known as antigens, to CD8+ T cells responsible control of viral infections. Each of these cells carries a unique T...

Scientists who discovered SARS just revealed the immune system’s response to COVID-19

Scientists who discovered SARS just revealed the immune system’s response to COVID-19

by Samba Scientific  In this study, which was published in the journal Frontiers in Immunology on September 30th, researchers used sequencing to characterize the immune system of patients who survive from COVID-19 infection from symptom onset through recovery. Importantly, they also identified a potent biomarker for predicting disease progression. Follow-up studies could lead to the development of a treatment...

Protein that keeps immune system from freaking out could form basis for new therapeutics

Protein that keeps immune system from freaking out could form basis for new therapeutics

UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA – SAN DIEGO IMAGE: TWO MACROPHAGES (BLUE) FIGHTING TO ENGULF THE SAME PATHOGEN (GREEN). GIV/GIRDIN IS SHOWN IN RED. v The immune response to infections is a delicate balance. We need just enough action to clear away the offending bacteria or viruses, but not so much that our own bodies suffer collateral damage.  Macrophages...


A small switch with a big impact

UNIVERSITY OF WÜRZBURG T cells play a key role in the human immune system. They are capable of distinguishing diseased or foreign tissue from the body’s own, healthy tissue with great accuracy; they are capable of triggering the actions necessary to fight off the troublemakers. The details of this immune response are manifold and the...