Tag: <span>Immune system</span>

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COVID-19 patients may experience long-term cardiovascular complications

COVID-19 patients may experience long-term cardiovascular complications

By Sally Robertson, B.Sc. Researchers at the University of Washington in Seattle have conducted a study suggesting that infection with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) can directly infect heart tissue and contribute to whole-organ cardiac dysfunction. Charles Murry and colleagues found that the virus directly infected cardiomyocytes, impaired their electrophysiological and contractile properties,...

RethiNKing which immune cells are the best weapon against lung cancer

RethiNKing which immune cells are the best weapon against lung cancer

WALTER AND ELIZA HALL INSTITUTE AUSTRALIAN RESEARCHERS HAVE IDENTIFIED ‘NATURAL KILLER’ CELLS AS AN IMPORTANT COMPONENT OF ANTI-TUMOUR IMMUNITY TO LUNG CANCER. IMAGE: SECTIONS OF LUNG CONTAINING TUMOURS, BY DR KAREN DOGGETT Immune cells called ‘natural killer’ (NK) cells could be a powerful weapon for fighting lung cancer, according to Australian researchers. Studying preclinical and...


Severe Covid-19 despite or even due to the strong immunity

The team from Marien Hospital and the department of Virology of Ruhr-Universität Bochum (RUB) as well as the Clinic for Infectious Diseases, the Clinic of Anesthesiology and the Institute for Virology of University Medicine Essen studied specific antibodies and T cells occurring in recovered, seriously ill and deceased Covid-19 patients. The researchers identified comparable immune...


Possible blood-clotting mechanism in COVID-19 found

Why so many COVID-19 patients get blood clots (thrombosis) remains uncertain. But scientists at Uppsala University and the University Hospital have now identified a mechanism they believe to be implicated. A particular protein triggers a part of our immune system that can boost the blood’s tendency to coagulate and form clots. The study is now...

COVID-19 Vaccine Delivered via Nose Protects Susceptible Mice from Infection

COVID-19 Vaccine Delivered via Nose Protects Susceptible Mice from Infection

Researchers from the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis have developed a nasal vaccine against the SARS-CoV-2 virus that effectively protects susceptible mice from developing symptoms after receiving a single dose. Given that infection often takes place via the nose, the vaccine was designed to be delivered intranasally. “We were happily surprised to...

New tool identifies which cancer patients are most likely to benefit from immunotherapy

New tool identifies which cancer patients are most likely to benefit from immunotherapy

A new prognostic tool developed by an international team led by CTI-Bath paves the way for personalised medicine for cancer patients. A new diagnostic tool that can predict whether a cancer patient would respond to immunotherapy treatment has been developed by scientists at the University of Bath. This advance in precision medicine will allow clinicians...

‘Crosstalk’ between muscle and spleen in Duchenne muscular dystrophy

‘Crosstalk’ between muscle and spleen in Duchenne muscular dystrophy

by University of Bonn The figure shows an overview of the potential protein-protein interaction patterns at reduced (left) and increased (right) protein concentrations in the spleen of Duchenne mice. Credit: Maynooth University Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is the most common muscle disease in children and is passed on by X-linked recessive inheritance. Characteristic is a...

Multivitamin, mineral supplement linked to less-severe, shorter-lasting illness symptoms

Multivitamin, mineral supplement linked to less-severe, shorter-lasting illness symptoms

by Steve Lundeberg, Oregon State University Older adults who took a daily multivitamin and mineral supplement with zinc and high amounts of vitamin C in a 12-week study experienced sickness for shorter periods and with less severe symptoms than counterparts in a control group receiving a placebo. The findings by Oregon State University researchers were...


Protein produced by the nervous system may help treatments for inflammatory diseases

Rutgers researchers discovered a new role the protein may have in helping to treat allergies, asthma, COPD RUTGERS UNIVERSITY A Rutgers-led team may have found the key to treating inflammatory diseases like asthma, allergies, chronic fibrosis and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). In a study published in the journal Nature Immunology, researchers discovered that neuromedin...


New research offers hope for treating Parkinson’s disease

Reviewed by James Ives, M.Psych. (Editor) The American Academy of Neurology (AAN) has published, on August 12, the results of a research project conducted jointly by Cardiocentro Ticino and the EOC Neurocentro, which delivers a message of hope in the fight against Parkinson’s disease, as well as providing encouraging news for the USI Faculty of...