Tag: <span>Immune system</span>

Home / Immune system

Fat check: Yale researchers find explanation for stress’ damage in brown fat

In their search for what triggers the damaging side-effects caused by acute psychological stress, Yale researchers found an answer by doing a fat check. In the face of psychological stress, an immune system response that can significantly worsen inflammatory responses originates in brown fat cells, the Yale team reports June 30 in the journal Cell....


Vitamin D may help prevent a common side effect of anti-cancer immunotherapy

New research indicates that taking vitamin D supplements may help prevent a potentially serious side effect of a revolutionary form of anti-cancer therapy. The findings are published early online in CANCER, a peer-reviewed journal of the American Cancer Society (ACS). Immune checkpoint inhibitors help the immune system recognize and combat cancer cells, and although these...

Cancer vaccine hope: Personalised treatment designed to boost the body’s natural ability to fight the disease shows ‘promising signs’ in clinical trials

Cancer vaccine hope: Personalised treatment designed to boost the body’s natural ability to fight the disease shows ‘promising signs’ in clinical trials

By RYAN MORRISON FOR MAILONLINE Researchers take a biopsy of a cancerous tumour to look for certain proteins Each patient has a ‘different cancer’ and the treatment is specifically targeted It is given alongside chemotherapy drugs to boost the body’s immune response So far only eight per cent of patients saw their tumour reduce but...

Researchers destroy cancer cells with ultrasound treatment

Researchers destroy cancer cells with ultrasound treatment

An international research team led by Dr. Tali Ilovitsh of the Biomedical Engineering Department at Tel Aviv University developed a noninvasive technology platform for gene delivery into breast cancer cells. The technique combines ultrasound with tumor-targeted microbubbles. Once the ultrasound is activated, the microbubbles explode like smart and targeted warheads, creating holes in cancer cells’...

New drug candidate reawakens sleeping HIV in hopes of functional cure

New drug candidate reawakens sleeping HIV in hopes of functional cure

by Sanford Burnham Prebys Medical Discovery Institute Scientists at Sanford Burnham Prebys Medical Discovery Institute have created a next-generation drug called Ciapavir (SBI-0953294) that is effective at reactivating dormant human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). The research, published in Cell Reports Medicine, aims to create a functional HIV cure by activating and then eliminating all pockets of...

Existing drugs may limit damage caused by HIV

Existing drugs may limit damage caused by HIV

by Yale University Yale researchers have identified four drugs that may help minimize the long-term health effects of HIV infection, they report June 23 in the Journal of Clinical Investigation. Antiretroviral therapy has proved to be a life-saving treatment for those infected with HIV. Yet even after treatment, most patients still harbor latent HIV in...


Skin cancer: men are genetically more prone

As COVID-19 restrictions loosen this summer, Canadians will spend more time outdoors and make the most of the sunshine. A new study from McGill University suggests why men may be more genetically prone to develop skin cancer. The research led by Professor Ian Watson of McGill’s Goodman Cancer Research Centre (GCRC), published in the journal...

Immune cells infiltrating tumors may play bigger cancer role than previously thought

Immune cells infiltrating tumors may play bigger cancer role than previously thought

by University of California – San Diego Most traditional cancer therapies target either the tumor cells themselves or indiscriminately kill any rapidly dividing cell. New findings by researchers at University of California San Diego School of Medicine indicate that manipulating macrophages, a type of immune cell found abundantly in the tissues surrounding a tumor, could...


Certain genes that predispose to cancer also affect the immune system, study shows

The study shows that the involvement of certain genes that predispose to cancer also affects the immune system, which could facilitate tumor growth. In the specific case of breast cancer, the involvement of the SH2B3 gene, corresponding to a lymphocyte protein, increases the predisposition to develop cancer. The idea that the immune system “monitors and...

Covid-19 vaccine breakthrough as scientists find giving TWO doses of Oxford University’s experimental jab provokes a stronger immune response

Covid-19 vaccine breakthrough as scientists find giving TWO doses of Oxford University’s experimental jab provokes a stronger immune response

The jab may work best in a two-dose way as the MMR vaccine is given Trials on pigs revealed a ‘booster’ dose led to the body making more antibodies Leading scientist said the vaccine could be ready for October It is already being produced by the Cambridge-based company AstraZeneca Here’s how to help people impacted...