Tag: <span>intensive care</span>

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CPAP and oxygen have similar impact on mortality of COVID-19 patients that wouldn’t benefit from intensive care

CPAP and oxygen have similar impact on mortality of COVID-19 patients that wouldn’t benefit from intensive care

by Michael Addelman,  University of Manchester Figure 130 day mortality unadjusted odds ratios (OR, left) of variables and final Generalized Estimating Equations (GEE) model with estimated 30-day mortality adjusted odds ratios (aOR, right). Variables colored gray were not included in the final GEE model. An OR>1 represents increased occurrence of 30 day mortality. Abbreviations used: FiO2,...


Cognitive impairment after intensive care linked to long-lasting inflammation

by Karolinska Institutet People who have been treated in intensive care commonly suffer from residual cognitive impairment, but the reason for this is unknown. Researchers at Karolinska Institutet in Sweden now link cognitive impairment with lasting inflammation and a potential treatment target. The results are presented in the scientific journal Intensive Care Medicine. Every year,...