Patients with long Covid regain sense of smell and taste with pioneering surgery Surgeons believe the technique called functional septorhinoplasty (fSRP) ‘kickstarts’ smell recovery in patients Andrew Gregory Health editor Thu 6 Mar 2025 19.01 EST Share Doctors in London have successfully restored a sense of smell and taste in patients who lost it due to...
Tag: <span>Long Covid</span>
Childhood long COVID might be caused by lower blood flow in lungs, scans suggest
by Dennis Thompson Children and teens with long COVID appear to have significantly reduced blood flow through their lungs, researchers reported in the journal Radiology. This could cause fatigue—one of the more common symptoms of long COVID in children—due to lower levels of oxygen distributed throughout the body via the bloodstream, researchers said. The study’s results...
Lung abnormalities seen in children and teens with long COVID
by Radiological Society of North America Images show exemplary coronal sections of phase-resolved functional lung MRI defect maps in a pediatric participant with post–COVID-19 condition (PCC) and cardiopulmonary symptoms and a healthy control patient. Credit: Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) An advanced type of MRI uncovers significant lung abnormalities in children and adolescents with long...
Long COVID: Women at greater risk compared to men—could immune system differences be the cause?
by Helen McGettrick and Jonathan Lewis, The Conversation Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain About 5% of people who catch COVID have long-lasting symptoms. In these people, loss of smell, dizziness, fatigue and other hallmark COVID symptoms can persist for months after the initial illness. Yet even five years after the COVID pandemic began, we still don’t know why some...
Paxlovid: Worth a Long Look for Easing Long COVID
Sara Novak January 31, 2025 78425 Paxlovid, one of the most well-known treatments for COVID-19, has also been shown to ease symptoms of some patients with long COVID — and new research suggests the antiviral medication could prove to be an important treatment for some with the condition. A study published in Communication Medicine found that some...
Long COVID symptoms linger: Study shows no major changes in second year
by Public Library of Science Researchers track physical and cognitive impairments associated with long COVID in nearly 1,000 people with post-COVID-19 syndrome. Credit: PIRO4D, Pixabay (CC0, Two-thirds of people with post-COVID-19 syndrome have persistent, objective symptoms—including reduced physical exercise capacity and reduced cognitive test performances—for a year or more, with no major changes in symptom clusters...
Extended Paxlovid may help some people with long COVID
by University of California, San Francisco Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain An up-close look at how patients respond to the drug at different times and doses adds nuance to a recent finding that Paxlovid does not work for long COVID. An extended course of Paxlovid appears to help some patients with long COVID, according to a case...
The Push for Off-Label Rx to Treat Long COVID: What Works?
Tinker Ready December 04, 2024 56228 Added to Email Alert Charlie McCone, a San Francisco marketing specialist, developed long COVID in 2020, recovered and developed it again in 2021. He’s been sick with fatigue and shortness of breath since then, spending many hours of every day in bed. Only one drug helped his shortness of...
Long COVID: SARS-CoV-2 spike protein accumulation linked to long-lasting brain effects
by Verena Schulz, Helmholtz Association of German Research Centres Visualization of SARS-CoV-2 viral tropism in whole mouse bodies and SARS-CoV-2 spike protein persistency in skull marrow and brain. (A–E) SARS-CoV-2-GFP aerosol infection in K18-hACE2 mice. (A) Illustration of SARS-CoV-2-GFP infection and imaging of whole mouse body. (B) 3D reconstruction of whole mouse body showing localization of...
New Data: The Most Promising Treatments for Long COVID
Sara Novak November 27, 2024 25193 Long COVID is a symptom-driven disease, meaning that with no cure, physicians primarily treat the symptoms their patients are experiencing. Effective treatments for long COVID remain elusive because what works for one patient may be entirely ineffective for another. But as 2024 winds down, researchers have begun to pinpoint...