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Enzyme PHLPP2 could be a viable drug target for treating prostate cancer

COLD SPRING HARBOR LABORATORY Cold Spring Harbor, NY — An estimated 450,000 Americans are diagnosed each year with a cancer that’s driven by MYC, an oncogene that hijacks growth and metabolism in cancer cells. MYC has a storied past of being notoriously hard for researchers to directly disable. “Now, we have a new way of getting at this old...


Study reveals a way to make prostate cancer cells run out of energy and die

Scientists at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (CSHL) have discovered that cells lacking the tumor-suppressor protein PTEN—a feature of many cancers— are particularly vulnerable to drugs that impair their energy-producing mitochondria. Such drugs induce them to literally eat themselves to death, the research shows. Unlike normal cells, cells without PTEN seem driven to preserve their mitochondria at...


Exome Meta-Analysis Uncovers Copious Prostate Cancer Drivers

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb) – A new meta-analysis of prostate cancer exomes has identified dozens of potential driver genes, including genes mutated in just a fraction of the cancer cases considered. In an effort to expand on prior genomic studies of prostate cancer, researchers from the US and UK used the same analytical strategy to assess...