Tag: <span>metabolic health</span>

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Elderberry juice shows benefits for weight management, metabolic health in clinical trial

by Elizabeth Chambers, Washington State University Credit: AI-generated image Elderberry juice may be a potent tool for weight management and enhancing metabolic health, according to a recent Washington State University-led study. A clinical trial published in the journal Nutrients found that drinking 12 ounces of elderberry juice daily for a week causes positive changes in the gut microbiome and improves...


Can a Smart Sock Predict Diabetic Foot Problems Earlier?

David G. Armstrong, DPM, MD, PhD DISCLOSURES | April 23, 2024 Diabetes, a condition affecting millions globally, not only alters metabolic health but also affects a person’s gait, potentially leading to severe foot complications. An intriguing study presented at the European Society of Cardiology’s EHRA 2024 congress in Berlin, Germany, introduces an electronic sock designed...

A new class of beige fat cells that burn energy via ‘futile cycles’ could lead to better metabolic health

A new class of beige fat cells that burn energy via ‘futile cycles’ could lead to better metabolic health

August 14, 2024 by Fabio Bergamin, ETH Zurich Credit: Cell Metabolism (2024). DOI: 10.1016/j.cmet.2024.07.005Fat cells come in three colors: white, brown, and beige. White fat cells store fat in our body as an energy reserve. We need these cells, but having too many creates health problems. Brown fat cells are particularly active in infants. They...


Study finds tree nuts as snack alternative boost metabolic health in young adults

By Hugo Francisco de SouzaDec 11 2023Reviewed by Susha Cheriyedath, M.Sc. In a recent study published in the journal Nutrients, researchers conducted a randomized diet intervention trial to evaluate the health impacts of substituting typical carbohydrate snacks with tree nuts. The intervention was conducted on young adults for a period of 16 weeks. Analysis of...

Biological BMI: Researchers dig deep into data to determine better measures of metabolic health

Biological BMI: Researchers dig deep into data to determine better measures of metabolic health

by Institute for Systems Biology Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain Institute for Systems Biology (ISB) researchers have constructed biological body mass index (BMI) measures that offer a more accurate representation of metabolic health and are more varied, informative and actionable than the traditional, long-used BMI equation. The work was published in the journal Nature Medicine. For decades, clinicians have...

Researchers identify new method for stimulating signaling to improve metabolic health and possibly treat obesity

Researchers identify new method for stimulating signaling to improve metabolic health and possibly treat obesity

by Greg Glasgow, CU Anschutz Medical Campus Credit: CC0 Public Domain Following up on a 2018 study that identified an epigenetic modifier known as histone deacetylase 11 (HDAC11) as a potential therapeutic target for treating obesity and diabetes, researchers from the University of Colorado School of Medicine have published new research that finds HDAC11 regulates...

Hemoglobin reflects metabolic health: High levels are linked to common public health problems

Hemoglobin reflects metabolic health: High levels are linked to common public health problems

by University of Oulu  Haemoglobin. Credit: University of Oulu / Juha Sarkkinen Hemoglobin is a protein found in the blood and a key oxygen transporter in the body. High hemoglobin levels have generally been considered desirable for a person’s health. However, the latest research evidence appears to point in the opposite direction: high hemoglobin levels...

Science moves closer to diet that improves metabolic health without sharp cuts in calories

Science moves closer to diet that improves metabolic health without sharp cuts in calories

PENNINGTON BIOMEDICAL RESEARCH CENTER IMAGE: METHIONINE RESTRICTION WITH OXIDIZED CASEIN IS EQUALLY EFFECTIVE AS ELEMENTAL DIET. CREDIT: PENNINGTON BIOMEDICAL RESEARCH CENTER BATON ROUGE, Louisiana – A diet that improves the biomarkers of metabolic health, and that could potentially slow the aging process, has moved a step closer to reality. “We’ve known for years that restricting the amino acid methionine...

When—not what—obese mice ate reduced breast cancer risk

When—not what—obese mice ate reduced breast cancer risk

by  University of California – San Diego Micrograph showing a lymph node invaded by ductal breast carcinoma, with extension of the tumour beyond the lymph node. Credit: Nephron/Wikipedia Restricting eating to an eight-hour window, when activity is highest, decreased the risk of development, growth and metastasis of breast cancer in mouse models, report researchers at University of California...