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Compounds in female ginseng could lead to new osteoporosis treatments

Compounds in female ginseng could lead to new osteoporosis treatments

by American Chemical Society Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain With ever-increasing life expectancy comes the challenge of treating age-related disorders such as osteoporosis. Although there are effective drugs for treating this metabolic bone disease, they can be expensive and have side effects, limiting their availability to some people.In the search for alternative drug candidates, researchers reporting in...

Telltale amino acid deficiencies may hold the key to new treatments for long COVID, say researchers

Telltale amino acid deficiencies may hold the key to new treatments for long COVID, say researchers

by Gillian Rutherford, University of Alberta Altered metabolomic profile in SARS-CoV-2 infected individuals. Credit: Frontiers in Immunology (2024). DOI: 10.3389/fimmu.2024.1341843A University of Alberta research team brings together immunologists, virologists, rheumatologists and metabolomics experts in an effort to discover exactly what is ailing the sickest long COVID patients and find treatments for them. In research recently published...

Scientists discover new “cause” for diabetes, opening new treatments

Scientists discover new “cause” for diabetes, opening new treatments

By Michael Irving Scientists have identified an enzyme that plays a key role in developing insulin resistance, and may lead to new treatment options Depositphotos Scientists have discovered a new mechanism for how type 2 diabetes takes hold, and demonstrated in mice that blocking a particular enzyme could open a new avenue of treatment for the...

New genes linked to ADHD identified, potentially paving the way for new treatments

New genes linked to ADHD identified, potentially paving the way for new treatments

by University of Surrey Flow-chart summarizing the 5-CSRTT process. During the 5-CSRTT, fish were required to swim toward one of five spatially distinct LEDs when illuminated. Approaches to the illuminated light were ‘correct’ and the proportion of correct trials was a measure of attention. Prior to illumination, there was a variable-time (mean 5-s) inter-trial interval, and...

Unlocking secrets of immune system proteins: A potential path to new treatments

Unlocking secrets of immune system proteins: A potential path to new treatments

Detailed imaging reveals intricate workings of key receptors, offering fresh insights into combating disease. Peer-Reviewed PublicationUNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Anaphylatoxin Recognition CREDIT: JAGANNATH MAHARANA/IIT KANPUR In the intricate dance of our body’s defenses against harmful invaders, certain immune system proteins play pivotal roles. New research from the Bridge Institute at the USC Michelson Center for...

Q&A: Know the warning signs of prostate cancer, when to get screened and important new treatments 

Q&A: Know the warning signs of prostate cancer, when to get screened and important new treatments 

by American Cancer Society (ACS) Credit: CC0 Public DomainProstate cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death among men in the United States. According to the latest research from scientists at the American Cancer Society (ACS), more than 288,000 men will be diagnosed with the disease this year, with close to 35,000 deaths. Black...

Molecular discovery may mean new treatments for rheumatoid arthritis

Molecular discovery may mean new treatments for rheumatoid arthritis

By Paul McClure May 11, 2023 When a person with rheumatoid arthritis receives healthy antibodies, it can reduce inflammation and bone degeneration. Researchers have, for the first time, discovered the molecular pathways that underlie this process Depositphotos Injecting antibodies from a healthy person into someone suffering from rheumatoid arthritis can reduce inflammation and slow bone...

Alzheimer’s: Could the brain’s glucose metabolism pave the way for new treatments?

Alzheimer’s: Could the brain’s glucose metabolism pave the way for new treatments?

How neurons consume and metabolize glucose could hold the key to new treatments for Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease. Javier Zayas Photography/Getty Images Researchers investigated the glucose uptake and glucose metabolism in neurons. They found that neurons metabolize glucose themselves and that glucose metabolism is crucial for proper neuronal function. Further studies are needed to see whether...

New mechanism uncovered behind osteoarthritis could inform new treatments

New mechanism uncovered behind osteoarthritis could inform new treatments

by Mass General Brigham  Age-related matrix stiffening in articular cartilage initiates pathogenic mechanotransductive signaling, driving chondrocyte dysfunction as well as disrupted cartilage integrity through Klotho promoter hypermethylation. Portions of the figure were created with biorender.com. Credit: Ambrosio et al, Nature Communications Researchers in the United States and Japan have discovered a new mechanism that links age-related cartilage tissue...

Potential new treatments for Huntington’s disease

Potential new treatments for Huntington’s disease

by Friedrich–Alexander University Erlangen–Nurnberg Mutant HTT is increased in HD patient-derived cells using an MSD assay. a Paradigm illustrating the HD patient-based disease model (fibroblasts, iPSC, cortical progenitors (25d old), and cortical neurons (35d old)) and readouts. Created with BioRender.com. b Bar plot depicting FACS quantification of NESTIN/PAX6 double-positive cells. Statistics: Welch’s test. Bars: median ± IQR....