Tag: <span>OSA</span>

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The Prospect of a Medication to Treat OSA Is Getting Closer

For researchers involved with sleep disorders, developing a pharmacologic treatment for obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a bit like searching for the holy grail. P K Schweitzer and colleagues have published the results of the randomized MARIPOSA study assessing a combination of two medicinal products known as AD109, one of the products having an antimuscarinic...


Mask Type Affects Airway Collapsibility in OSA

Heidi Splete April 07, 2023 Use of an oronasal mask for delivery of continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) was associated with increased upper airway collapsibility and the need for greater therapeutic pressure compared to nasal masks, as indicated by data from 14 individuals with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). Previous research has linked oronasal mask use to lower adherence, higher residual apnea...