Tag: <span>papillomavirus</span>

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HPV Vaccine for Adults: Who Needs It? Who Doesn’t?

Sandra Adamson Fryhofer, MD, MACP, FRCP DISCLOSURES February 12, 2020 This transcript has been edited for clarity. Hello. I’m Dr Sandra Fryhofer. Welcome to Medicine Matters. The topic? HPV vaccine for mid-life adults. Who needs it? Who doesn’t? A new study was published in JAMA Network. HPV, the human papilloma virus, causes cancer—as many as...

World-first saliva test detects hidden throat cancer

World-first saliva test detects hidden throat cancer

by Queensland University of Technology A simple saliva test developed by QUT biomedical scientists has detected early throat cancer in a person who had no symptom and no clinical signs of cancer. In what is believed to be a world-first, the non-invasive test picked up HPV-DNA in a saliva sample from an infected healthy person....


Cell-compressing technique a new path in Immunotherapy

Cell-based immunotherapies, which often involve engineering cells to activate or suppress the immune system, have delivered some dramatic results to cancer patients with few other options. But the complex process of developing these therapies has limited a field that many believe could be a powerful new frontier in medicine. To engineer cell functions, SQZ Biotech uses tiny...