Tag: <span>Post traumatic stress disorder(PTSD)</span>

Home / Post traumatic stress disorder(PTSD)

Does PTSD affect heart disease and cancer risk?

Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) was associated with cardiovascular disease and cancer, as well as the metabolic syndrome, in a new study. Regions of the brain associated with stress and post traumatic stress disorder. Credit: National Institutes of Health In the Journal of Neuroscience Research study of 84 individuals diagnosed with PTSD (39 victims of terrorist...


Using neurofeedback to prevent PTSD in soldiers

A team of researchers from Israel, the U.S. and the U.K. has found that using neurofeedback could prevent soldiers from experiencing PTSD after engaging in emotionally difficult situations. In their paper published in the journal Nature Human Behavior, the group describes experiments they conducted with military personnel engaged in intensive training sessions, and what they...


Toward an improved treatment of anxiety disorders

Traumatic experiences can become deeply entrenched in a person’s memory. How can fears following a traumatic event be reduced in the long term and prevented from becoming a permanent stress-related disorder? Researchers at the Mainz University Medical Center have recently shed new light on these questions. The key to their approach lies in firmly anchoring...


Blood test for PTSD on horizon as scientists find genetic changes in traumatised soldiers

Post traumatic stress disorder could soon be diagnosed with simple blood test after scientists found crucial genetic changes in soldiers suffering from trauma after serving in Afghanistan. PTSD is an anxiety disorder caused by stressful or frightening events which can cause flashbacks, nightmares, depression, sleep problems and guilt. Until now it could only be diagnosed through self-reported...