Tag: <span>Primary care</span>

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Survey finds many Americans greatly overestimate primary care spending

by American Academy of Family Physicians Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain This study, based on an online survey of 1,135 adults demographically representative of the U.S. population, aimed to measure public perceptions of primary care spending. The research is published in The Annals of Family Medicine journal. Respondents believed that 51.8% of overall health care spending goes to primary care—more than 10...


Speaking of Walgreens, its primary care business VillageMD

 is working with Evercore about a possible sale or restructuring, among other options, Bloomberg reports. This comes less than four years after Walgreens bought a controlling stake in VillageMD for $5.2 billion and as Walgreens struggles to turn around its business. from Healthcare Dive:Robert F. Kennedy Jr., a prominent vaccine critic, was confirmed Thursday by the U.S. Senate in a...

February 13, 2025February 13, 2025by In News

The Year’s Notable Guidelines: Highlights for Primary Care

Neil Skolnik, MD DISCLOSURES | January 08, 2025 What we do as primary care clinicians is challenging: seeing people all day long and keeping up with the ever-changing evidence. It is also rewarding. We live in an amazing age where each year, we are privileged to witness incredible advances in medicine.  I’m Dr Neil Skolnik, and these...


Three Tips to Avoid Common Diagnostic Errors in Primary Care

Common complaints of abdominal pain, fever, shortness of breath, or rash can signal more serious disease that should be referred to specialty care or might be related to benign conditions. Combine the vague nature of many patients’ descriptions and the pressure of short visits, and clinicians have a recipe for all manner of diagnostic error....

Primary Care: Re Carpe Your Diem

Primary Care: Re Carpe Your Diem

Medscape Medical News > Features Primary Care: Re Carpe Your DiemAnn Thomas, MD, MPH August 19, 2024 William Fox, MD, a self-described “dinosaur,” works in an independent internal medicine practice with two other physicians in Charlottesville, Virginia. He is rarely able to accept new patients, and when he does see one, they often have to...


Most Americans don’t know that primary care physicians can prescribe addiction treatmentat

NEWS RELEASE 28-JUN-2024Most Americans don’t know that primary care physicians can prescribe addiction treatmentNIH-supported study reveals crucial need to increase public awareness that medications for opioid use disorder can be prescribed in primary care settings Peer-Reviewed PublicationNIH/NATIONAL INSTITUTE ON DRUG ABUSE Results from a national survey indicate that many Americans, 61%, are unaware that primary...


Nonvisible Hematuria: Management Guidance in Primary Care

COMMENTARY Kevin Fernando, MBChB DISCLOSURES June 06, 2024 This transcript has been edited for clarity. Linda, a 50-year-old hedge fund manager, consults you in clinic after her recent annual company health screen detected 2+ blood on her urine dipstick test. She is asymptomatic. She has no past medical history of note and takes no prescribed...

Closing the referral loop: Perspectives and experiences of primary care and specialist physicians

Closing the referral loop: Perspectives and experiences of primary care and specialist physicians

by Regenstrief Institute Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public DomainEvery year, millions of referrals are made by primary care physicians in the U.S. for patients needing consultations with specialists. The intention is for patients to be seen by specialists and then to return to their primary care providers, completing a process known as a referral loop. However, between a...

Clinician decision support can reduce unspecified testing in primary care, study suggests

Clinician decision support can reduce unspecified testing in primary care, study suggests

by Elana Gotkine For older primary care patients, clinician decision support can reduce unspecified testing compared with traditional case-based education alone, according to a study published online Feb. 6 in the Annals of Internal Medicine. Stephen D. Persell, M.D., M.P.H., from the Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine in Chicago, and colleagues examined the effect...


HFpEF: New Guidelines Are Pertinent for Primary Care

Neil Skolnik, MD I’m Dr Neil Skolnik. Today we are going to talk about the 2023 American College of Cardiology Expert Consensus Decision Pathway on Management of Heart Failure With Preserved Ejection Fraction (HFpEF). The incidence of HFpEF is increasing, yet it’s underrecognized. Now that there are evidence-based treatment approaches that improve outcomes, we’ve started...

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