Tag: <span>protein drugs</span>

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New purification method could make protein drugs cheaper

New purification method could make protein drugs cheaper

by Anne Trafton, Massachusetts Institute of Technology A microfluidic device was designed to combine protein solution with nanoparticles and then form thousands of tiny, identical droplets. Inside each of these droplets, the proteins interact with the nanoparticles, which help them to form protein crystals. Credit: Massachusetts Institute of Technology One of the most expensive steps in...

Stabilizing protein drugs with a new reversible “mixing-type” material

Stabilizing protein drugs with a new reversible “mixing-type” material

KUMAMOTO UNIVERSITY IMAGE: RESEARCHERS AT THE KUMAMOTO UNIVERSITY DEVELOP A NEW SUPRAMOLECULAR MATERIAL THAT CAN BE A PROMISING PEGYLATING AGENT FOR PROTEIN DRUGS. CREDIT: KUMAMOTO UNIVERSITY Protein drugs are widely used as pharmaceutical agents to treat a range of disorders. However, most of these drugs are not very stable and are only retained in the...

Drug delivery capsule could replace injections for protein drugs

Drug delivery capsule could replace injections for protein drugs

by  Massachusetts Institute of Technology The new pill can inject large quantities of monoclonal antibodies and other drugs into the lining of the stomach after being swallowed. Credit: Giovanni Traverso In recent years, scientists have developed monoclonal antibodies—proteins that mimic the body’s own immune defenses—that can combat a variety of diseases, including some cancers and autoimmune...