Tag: <span>Protein supplements</span>

Home / Protein supplements

Protein supplements work for women and not men, during fasted carb-restricted training

THE PHYSIOLOGICAL SOCIETY Consuming a protein supplement, specifically protein hydrolysate, during carbohydrate-restricted training was helpful for improving training intensity in women, but not in men.  That’s according to new research which will be part of a presentation this week at The Physiological Society’s Annual Conference Physiology 2021. Most nutrition guidelines for athletes are based on...


Protein supplements containing BCAA may have ‘detrimental effects’ on health and lifespan

By Sally Robertson, B.Sc. Reviewed by Kate Anderton, B.Sc. (Editor) New research from the University of Sydney suggests that excessive intake of branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) in the form of pre-mixed protein powders, shakes and supplements may do more harm to health than good. Amino acids have long been praised by bodybuilders and fitness fanatics for their muscle building...