Tag: <span>radiation damage</span>

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Researchers discover how gut bacteria can protect from radiation damage

Researchers discover how gut bacteria can protect from radiation damage

By Rich Haridy, November 01, 2020 In a new study, mice with certain gut bacteria populations were found to be protected from the adverse effects of radiation We know radiation therapy is an aggressively toxic treatment methodology for fighting cancer. Gastrointestinal distress is a common side-effect but researchers are only now discovering exactly how the massive population...


Lithium can reverse radiation damage after brain tumor treatment

by Karolinska Institutet Children who have received radiotherapy for a brain tumor can develop cognitive problems later in life. In their studies on mice, researchers at Karolinska Institutet have now shown that the drug lithium can help to reverse the damage caused long after it has occurred. The study is published in the journal Molecular...


DNA-repairing drug could fight aging and radiation damage

An anti-aging compound could soon turn into a new drug that restores the body’s ability to repair DNA to its youthful condition   Most of us accept that aging is inescapable, but maybe it doesn’t have to be. Researchers at Harvard Medical School and the University of New South Wales (UNSW) have uncovered one of...