Tag: <span>Retina cells</span>

Home / Retina cells

Artificial Retinas Made Of This Ultra-Thin Super Material Could Help Millions See Again

TRULY SUPER. There’s a reason researchers call graphene a “super material.” Even though it’s just a single layer of carbon atoms thick, it’s super strong, super flexible, and super light. It also conducts electricity and is biodegradable. Now an international team of researchers has found a way to use the super material: to create artificial retinas. They presented their work Monday...


Retina cells could be integral to how our internal body clock works – and a cure for jet lag may be just around the corner

Cells in the eye are key to regulating humans’ circadian rhythm, according to a scientific study. Researchers at the University of Edinburgh found that a group of cells in the retina communicate directly with the region of the brain that deals with the body’s internal clock. All life forms respond to the daily light-dark changes...