Tag: <span>Rheumatism</span>

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Rheumatism: Taking cortisone with antacids can diminish bone density

Rheumatism: Taking cortisone with antacids can diminish bone density

NEWS RELEASE 16-MAY-2024 Charité study on effects of taking proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) on bone health in rheumatism patients Peer-Reviewed PublicationCHARITÉ – UNIVERSITÄTSMEDIZIN BERLIN SYMBOLIC IMAGE: DRUG PACKAGES IN A PHARMACY © CHARITÉ | JANINE OSWALDCREDIT: © CHARITÉ | JANINE OSWALD Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs), a specific class of antacid drugs, are among the most widely...


Does He Have Back Pain or Rheumatism?

Julia Rommelfanger May 18, 2022 WIESBADEN, Germany — To differentiate temporary or even long-lasting symptoms, such as in the back, from one of the 100 or so “actual” rheumatologic conditions is not easy, even for specialists. “Inflammatory conditions of the connective tissue, which pervades the body, can be found throughout, in joints, muscles, vessels, organs,”...

What is the Difference Between Arthritis and Rheumatism?

What is the Difference Between Arthritis and Rheumatism?

What is Arthritis? Arthritis, derived from Greek for “disease of the joints,” is the chronic or acute inflammation of joints, which is often accompanied by structural damage and pain. In contrast, rheumatism is an informal term used to describe joint diseases or syndromes. Image Credit: Anut21ng Photo / Shutterstock Medical literature does not generally use...