Tag: <span>seasonal allergies</span>

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Sinus-Clearing Foods That’ll Blast The Snot Right Out Of You

Sinus-Clearing Foods That’ll Blast The Snot Right Out Of You

By Kristen Aiken Apr 21, 2021, 05:45 AM EDT | Updated Apr 21, 2021 BRETT STEVENS VIA GETTY IMAGES Ah, spring. Pink puffs of blossoms decorate trees, daffodils stretch open their buttery frills to the sun and ― what’s that? Sorry, I was too busy sneezing to finish my thought. If your nose runs so much...

Researchers are studying ways to ease asthma symptoms caused by seasonal allergies

Researchers are studying ways to ease asthma symptoms caused by seasonal allergies

by Christina Griffiths, Indiana University School of Medicine Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain Researchers from Indiana University School of Medicine Department of Microbiology and Immunology are studying new ways to treat seasonal or intermittent asthma. Their findings were recently published in Science Immunology. “Asthma has no cure and current treatments primarily focus on resolving the symptoms,” said Ben Ulrich, Ph.D.,...