Tag: <span>sixth sense</span>

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Describing the genes associated with the sixth sense

Describing the genes associated with the sixth sense

by Anke Brodmerkel, Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine Different populations of sensory neurons cell bodies in a dorsal root ganglion (right) and their axons in the spinal cord (left): The cells in green detect proprioceptive information while the cells in red thermal and tactile information. Credit: Stephan Dietrich, Zampieri Lab, Max Delbrück Center To perform...


You Have a Sixth Sense You Probably Aren’t Using Yet

Laura Arenschield July 09, 2021 Humans have a sixth sense that most aren’t using, but they could learn to. Some people who are blind have already figured out how to tap into this, in much the same way dolphins navigate underwater and bats find their way in pitch darkness. And it is only a matter of time...

Proprioception, our imperceptible sixth sense

Proprioception, our imperceptible sixth sense

FEBRUARY 17, 2021 by Fabrice Sarlegna, Chris Miall, Jonathan Cole and Robert Sainburg,  The Conversation Proprioception makes it possible to situate the body in space. Credit: Pixabay, CC BY Vision. Hearing. Smell. Taste. Touch. Proprioception. Proprioception? Few people are familiar with this sense, although its pioneer studies in the 19th century were by some of the giants...