Tag: <span>sugar substitutes</span>

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Sugar Substitutes, Originally Meant to Reduce Health Risk, May Wreak Havoc on Gut Microbiomes

Medscape Diabetes & EndocrinologyCOMMENTARY Brandy W. Root, RDN DISCLOSURES | August 16, 2024 Commercial sugar substitutes have been used since the late 1800s when saccharin was accidentally developed by a chemist at Johns Hopkins University. Due to widespread sugar rationing during World Wars I and II, saccharin grew in popularity. In more recent times, the...

Researchers uncover how sugar substitutes disrupt liver detoxification

Researchers uncover how sugar substitutes disrupt liver detoxification

by Experimental Biology  Non-nutritive sweeteners (NNS) consumed in the diet enter the liver from the blood circulation. Researchers found that in liver cells, the detoxifying transporter P-glycoprotein (PGP) exports NNS preferentially to several known substrate compounds. In a physiological context, this could leave other PGP substrates such as certain medications trapped in cells, potentially leading...