Tag: <span>Teenagers</span>

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41% of teenagers can’t tell the difference between true and fake online health messages

FRONTIERS A new study has found that teenagers have a hard time discerning between fake and true health messages. Only 48% of the participants trusted accurate health messages (without editorial elements) more than fake ones. Meanwhile, 41% considered fake and true neutral messages equally trustworthy and 11% considered true neutral health messages less trustworthy than...


Asthma and allergies more common in teens who stay up late

EUROPEAN LUNG FOUNDATION Teenagers who prefer to stay up late and wake later in the morning are more likely to suffer with asthma and allergies compared to those who sleep and wake earlier, according to a study published in ERJ Open Research. [1] Asthma symptoms are known to be strongly linked to the body’s internal...


How to talk to your teenagers about drugs

by Emma Maynard,  The Conversation Credit: Vlachaslau Govorkov/Shutterstock.com The UK has seen a sharp increase in teenage drug use in the last few years: the NHS reports that 37% of 15-year-olds have used drugs, and that deaths resulting from drug use are at their highest since records began in 1993. Meanwhile, thousands of children are being drawn into drug dealing...