Tag: <span>temperature</span>

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The temperature the human body cannot survive

The temperature the human body cannot survive

by Daniel Lawler One recent case of extreme heat threatening health came at a jamboree in South Korea, where hundreds of scouts fell ill. Scientists have identified the maximum mix of heat and humidity a human body can survive. Even a healthy young person will die after enduring six hours of 35-degree Celsius (95 Fahrenheit)...

Light-activated neurons deep in the brain control body heat

Light-activated neurons deep in the brain control body heat

A light-sensitive receptor protein expressed in neurons deep in the mouse brain has been shown to be stimulated by violet light, and to activate a pathway that reduces heat production in brown fat. Light has profound effects on human behaviour and physiology, from synchronizing sleep–wake cycles to inducing daily fluctuations in body temperature and energy...

Study: Portable, point-of-care COVID-19 test could bypass the lab

Study: Portable, point-of-care COVID-19 test could bypass the lab

by Liz Ahlberg Touchstone, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Illinois researchers developed a microfluidic cartridge for a 30-minute COVID-19 test. The cartridges are 3D-printed and could be manufactured quickly. Credit: Bill King, University of Illinois As COVID-19 continues to spread, bottlenecks in supplies and laboratory personnel have led to long waiting times for results in...

Nanoparticles show promise in defeating antibiotic-resistant bacteria, U of T researchers find

Nanoparticles show promise in defeating antibiotic-resistant bacteria, U of T researchers find

A new therapy developed by researchers at the University of Toronto may bring us one step closer to effectively killing deadly drug-resistant superbugs. “The threat posed by pathogens that are increasingly becoming resistant to all known antibiotics is an alarming and pressing health care problem,” says Ruby Sullan, assistant professor in the department of physical...

The hair-raising reason for goosebumps

The hair-raising reason for goosebumps

Researchers have discovered that the cells that cause goosebumps are also important for regulating the stem cells that regenerate hair. In the skin, the muscle that contracts to create goosebumps is necessary to bridge the sympathetic nerve’s connection to hair follicle stem cells. The sympathetic nerve reacts to cold by contracting the muscle and causing...

This new coronavirus breakthrough is key to helping determine if you’re infected

This new coronavirus breakthrough is key to helping determine if you’re infected

By Chris Smith @chris_writes A new study provides a key detail surrounding coronavirus symptoms, the likely order in which COVID-19 signs appear in infected patients. The timeline of COVID-19 symptoms could help patients better educate themselves and seek medical care earlier than they might have otherwise, so they can avoid spreading the disease. Knowing the...

Nanocatalysts that remotely control chemical reactions inside living cells

Nanocatalysts that remotely control chemical reactions inside living cells

POHANG UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY (POSTECH) DIAGRAM OF REMOTELY CONTROLLED CATALYSIS IN LIVING CELLS USING MAG-NER AND THE ELECTRON MICROSCOPE IMAGE OF MAG-NERview more CREDIT: IN SU LEE (POSTECH) The enzymes responsible for catalytic reactions in our body’s biological reactions are difficult to use for diagnosis or treatment as they react only to certain...