Tag: <span>Vaping</span>

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Q&A: Why vaping is bad for your heart

by Noah Fromson, University of Michigan Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain When you hear the phrase “smoking kills”—which it does: nearly 500,000 Americans die from cigarette smoking each year—where does your mind go? Many people think of lung cancer, and rightfully so. More than three-quarters of lung cancers are caused by smoking. Tobacco smoke contains more than 7,000 chemicals, including...


Study finds vaping in pregnancy harms both mothers and babies

by Gillian Rutherford, University of Alberta Graphical Abstract. Credit: Journal of Hazardous Materials (2024). DOI: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2024.137028 A University of Alberta research team is sending out a vehement warning that vaping is not a safe alternative to smoking during pregnancy. In a recently published paper in the Journal of Hazardous Materials, the researchers reviewed evidence from studies around the world and concluded...


Smoke and mirrors: The myth of healthy vaping

by University of Utah Health SciencesCredit: CC0 Public DomainVaping is often marketed as a healthier alternative to smoking or a tool to quit smoking. But it’s not a safe habit—the health effects of vaping can be irreversible and sometimes deadly.Because it’s a relatively new technology, the long-term health consequences of vaping are still unknown, but research is...


Study finds vaping causes immediate effects on vascular function

by Radiological Society of North America Infographic for research on how vaping causes immediate effects on vascular function. Credit: Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) Researchers have identified acute effects of cigarette and e-cigarette smoking on vascular function, even without nicotine. The results of the ongoing research are being presented at the annual meeting of the Radiological Society...

Vaping is harming college students’ brains, study shows

Vaping is harming college students’ brains, study shows

September 16, 2024 by Dennis Thompson Vaping may look cool when you’re young, but it appears to be dulling the brains of college students, a new study warns. College students who vape have lower cognitive function scores than those who don’t, researchers reported Sunday at the American Neurological Association’s annual meeting in Orlando, Fla. And...


Second-hand vaping exposure very low compared to second-hand smoking

NEWS RELEASE 11-JUL-2024 Children exposed to vaping indoors absorb less than one seventh the amount of nicotine as children who are exposed to indoor smoking, but more than those exposed to neither, according to a new study led by UCL researchers. Peer-Reviewed PublicationUNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Children exposed to vaping indoors absorb less than one seventh...

Vaping now more common than smoking among young people—and the risks go beyond lung and brain damage

Vaping now more common than smoking among young people—and the risks go beyond lung and brain damage

by Amira Guirguis, The Conversation Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public DomainVaping is now more common than cigarette smoking among young people, according to a new report coordinated by the University of Glasgow and commissioned by the World Health Organization. This echoes research that has found the popularity of vaping among young people in the UK has surged...

Study shows sense of smell is impacted by vaping

Study shows sense of smell is impacted by vaping

by University of Otago Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public DomainSensory changes may be an unexpected side effect of vaping, new University of Otago research shows. The study, carried out in collaboration with the National Institute for Health Innovation and published in the journal Appetite, assessed the potential effects of vaping on the sense of taste and smell among...

National survey indicates more young adults begin nicotine use with vaping, not cigarettes

National survey indicates more young adults begin nicotine use with vaping, not cigarettes

by Medical University of South Carolina Credit: CC0 Public Domain Young adults are now more likely to vape than to use traditional cigarettes. After years of public health success in decreasing the numbers of people using cigarettes, researchers are seeing striking increases in the numbers of young people who use e-cigarettes regularly—so much so that, for...

Vaping a gateway to smoking for non-smokers, research shows

Vaping a gateway to smoking for non-smokers, research shows

by University of Otago Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain While vaping provides a pathway to help smokers wanting to quit, for non-smokers it may be the first step on a pathway to taking up smoking, a new study has shown. Led by University of Otago post graduate student Andre Mason and Associate Professor Damian Scarf, of the...