THE OBESITY SOCIETY SILVER SPRING, Md.–A new study confirms that treatment with Bimagrumab, an antibody that blocks activin type II receptors and stimulates skeletal muscle growth, is safe and effective for treating excess adiposity and metabolic disturbances of adult patients with obesity and type 2 diabetes. “These exciting results suggest that there may be a...
Tag: <span>Weight loss</span>
A few kilograms weight loss nearly halves the risk of diabetes, large scale research study finds
by University of Exeter Providing support to help people with prediabetes make small changes to their lifestyle, diet and physical activity can almost halve the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, according the results of the Norfolk Diabetes Prevention Study (NDPS) the largest diabetes prevention research study in the world in the last 30 years. The...
Intermittent fasting is popular—but it doesn’t work for weight loss
by Kristen Bole, University of California, San Francisco The currently popular diet of intermittent fasting that restricts eating to eight hours per day, separated by 16 hours of fasting, is not effective on its own as a means of either losing weight or for improving key metabolic health markers, according to a new study led by researchers at...
Study identifies weight-loss threshold for heart health in patients with obesity, diabetes
CLEVELAND CLINIC CLEVELAND: A Cleveland Clinic study shows that 5 to 10 percent of surgically induced weight loss is associated with improved life expectancy and cardiovascular health. In comparison, about 20 percent weight loss is necessary to observe similar benefits with a non-surgical treatment. The findings also show that metabolic surgery may contribute health benefits...
New weight-loss hope for those with highest obesity risk: Underserved, low-income patients
Patients in primary care clinic program lost 5 percent of body weight PENNINGTON BIOMEDICAL RESEARCH CENTER BATON ROUGE, Louisiana – Low-income Louisiana patients enrolled in a tailored obesity intervention program lost much more weight than counterparts receiving usual care. Study results were published this week in The New England Journal of Medicine. This population, who...
Testosterone injections ‘can trigger drastic weight loss’ in obese men of four STONE
Testosterone injections can trigger drastic long-term weight loss in obese men, a German study has found. Men with an average weight of 18 stone (114kg) saw their weight drop by 4st and 3lbs (27kg) over a decade while having the jabs every three months as part of a study. Their body mass index (BMI) went...
Major weight loss—whether from surgery or diet—has same metabolic benefits
by Washington University School of Medicine Gastric bypass surgery is the most effective therapy to treat or reverse type 2 diabetes in severely obese patients. A longstanding theory has suggested that the operation may have unique, weight loss-independent effects in treating diabetes. But new research from Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis indicates...
Prioritizing patients with unexpected weight loss for cancer investigation
by University of Exeter New research will help GPs to identify the signs, symptoms, and blood test results they should look for to swiftly diagnose cancer in people with unexpected weight loss. The findings have implications for existing health policy and guidelines. “We know that there is an increased likelihood of a cancer diagnosis within...
Exercise Enhancement
Loss of a specific enzyme increases fat metabolism and exercise endurance in mice. Sugars and fats are the primary fuels that power every cell, tissue, and organ. For most cells, sugar is the energy source of choice, but when nutrients are scarce, such as during starvation or extreme exertion, cells will switch to breaking down...
Fatty liver disease despite a normal weight
Researchers from the University of Tsukuba identify differences in the clinical features of non-obese patients with non-alcoholic fatter liver disease based on their sex and body mass index UNIVERSITY OF TSUKUBA REPRESENTATIVE MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGES OF THE FEMORAL REGION IN A FEMALE SUBJECT WITHOUT NON-ALCOHOLIC FATTY LIVER DISEASE (NAFLD) (A) AND THAT IN A FEMALE...