Tag: <span>Weight problems</span>

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Overweight before age 40 increases cancer risk

by Kim E. Andreassen, University of Bergen In an international study, lead by the University of Bergen, the researchers wanted to find out how adult overweight (BMI over 25) and obesity (BMI over 30) increase the risk of different types of cancer. The study showed that if you were overweight before age 40, the risk of developing cancer increases by:  70 percent for endometrial cancer.  58 percent for male renal-cell cancer. 29...


A CURE for the middle-age spread? Scientists identify a gene that causes us to pile on the pounds in our 40s and 50s – and it could be fixed by a pill

Scientists at the National Institutes of Health say an enzyme drives post-30 weight gain They managed to block that enzyme in middle-aged mice, causing weight loss Scientists are one step closer to a pill to stop the middle-age spread, a new paper claims. New research shows 40 percent of weight gain in our 30s, 40s...