Month: <span>July 2018</span>

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New hope for patients with incurable and disabling hand condition, Dupuytren’s disease

July 6, 2018, University of Oxford Researchers at the Kennedy Institute and Nuffield Department of Orthopaedics, Rheumatology and Musculoskeletal Sciences, University of Oxford, working with clinicians at NHS Lothian, have found that injection of the anti-TNF drug adalimumab into Dupuytren’s disease nodules results in the reduction of the cell characteristics responsible for the progression of Dupuytren’s disease. Professor...


Human clinical trial reveals verapamil as an effective type 1 diabetes therapy

Significant novel findings published by UAB researchers established verapamil as a successful therapeutic approach to target loss of beta cell function caused by type 1 diabetes UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMA AT BIRMINGHAM BIRMINGHAM, Ala. – Researchers at the University of Alabama at Birmingham Comprehensive Diabetes Center have discovered a safe and effective novel therapy to reduce...


Humanoid Robot Teaches Autistic Kids to Recognize Emotions

Children with autism often seem to want to socialize with robots more than humans, something that researchers at MIT want to harness as a pathway for therapy. The team, partnering with others at Chubu University in Japan and Imperial College London, have given a popular humanoid robot, called NAO, the ability to see what the kids playing...



New research confirms listening to a much-studied Mozart sonata has an anti-epileptic effect on children. The Mozart Effect—the notion that listening to music of the classical-era master, particularly his sublime Sonata for Two Pianos, can boost brain power—has experienced something of a renaissance. While some claims that circulated during its early ’90s media frenzy have been debunked,...


Most black adults have high blood pressure before age 55

Journal of the American Heart Association Report AMERICAN HEART ASSOCIATION DALLAS, July 11, 2018 — Approximately 75 percent of black and men women are likely to develop high blood pressure by the age of 55, compared to 55 percent of white men and 40 percent of white women in the same age range, according to...


Late-life high blood pressure may harm the brain, study says

July 11, 2018 by Marilynn Marchione Decades ago, hundreds of nuns and priests made an extraordinary decision: They agreed to donate their brains upon death to science, hoping to help solve mysteries about Alzheimer’s and other diseases. Now, a study that used their gifts is giving some clues. It reveals that high blood pressure late...


Triclosan, often maligned, may have a good side—treating cystic fibrosis infections

July 11, 2018 by Chris Waters, The Conversation Maybe you’ve had the experience of wading in a stream and struggling to keep your balance on the slick rocks, or forgetting to brush your teeth in the morning and feeling a slimy coating in your mouth. These are examples of bacterial biofilms that are found anywhere a surface is...


Blood biomarker can help predict disease progression in patients with COPD

Protective effects of azithromycin treatment in patients highlight the clinical utility of measuring telomere length, according to a new study in the journal CHEST® Glenview, IL, July 12, 2018 – Some patients with COPD demonstrate signs of accelerated aging. In a new study published in the journal CHEST® researchers report that measuring blood telomeres, a marker of aging of cells,...


High prevalence of restrictive lung disease in people with type 2 diabetes

July 12, 2018, Deutsches Zentrum fuer Diabetesforschung DZD Breathlessness and conditions of restrictive lung disease (RLD), such as pulmonary fibrosis, may be a late complication of type 2 diabetes. These are the key findings of a joint study undertaken by researchers from the German Center for Diabetes Research (DZD) and the German Center for Lung...


Healcerion 300L Wireless Portable Ultrasound Now Available in U.S.

Healcerion, the South Korean firm that introduced truly wireless ultrasound probes that work with smartphones and tablets, is releasing its SONON 300L ultrasound in the United States. The device was cleared last fall by the FDA and Healcerion has been working on manufacturing and preparing it for distribution. The SONON 300L works with most Android...