Month: <span>May 2020</span>

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Predictive models could provide more accurate detection of early-stage Parkinson’s disease

Predictive models could provide more accurate detection of early-stage Parkinson’s disease

by York University How is your sense of smell? Do you find yourself frequently dozing off during the day or thrashing about during dreams? Often, early stage Parkinson’s disease does not present with typical motor disturbance symptoms, making diagnosis problematic. Now, neuroscientists at York University have found five different models that use these types of...

Experimental two-in-one shot may give diabetics a better way to control their blood sugar

Experimental two-in-one shot may give diabetics a better way to control their blood sugar

by Andrew Myers, Stanford University A Stanford research team has developed a way to boost the effectiveness of the insulin injections people with diabetes routinely take to control their blood sugar. Led by materials scientist Eric Appel, the advance might enable patients with diabetes to take a double-acting shot that contains insulin in combination with...

Antihistamines may help patients with malignant melanoma

Antihistamines may help patients with malignant melanoma

by Lund University Can a very common allergy medicine improve survival among patients suffering from the serious skin cancer, malignant melanoma? A new study from Lund University in Sweden indicates that this may be the case. “Previous studies have shown that the same antihistamines have survival benefits in breast cancer. Now we see the same...

Blood test a potential new tool for controlling infections

Blood test a potential new tool for controlling infections

by Walter and Eliza Hall Institute A new technique could provide vital information about a community’s immunity to infectious diseases including malaria and COVID-19. The diagnostic test analyses a blood sample to reveal immune markers that indicate whether—and when—a person was exposed to an infection. It was developed to track malaria infections in communities, to...

Recent Research into Neurodegenerative Diseases

Recent Research into Neurodegenerative Diseases

Sponsored Content by BMG LABTECH GmbH Currently in developed countries, life expectancy is far higher than 80 years of age. However, with a longer life expectancy comes increased chances of developing a neurodegenerative disease, like Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease and dementia. The progression of these disorders result in an increasingly debilitating situation until full-time care...

Inflammation: Smothering the Fire

Inflammation: Smothering the Fire

Inflammation is the alarm system by which cells first respond to potential danger, but in excess, inflammation can be fatal. In COVID-19, for example, overactive inflammation has led to severe complications and even death for many hospitalized patients. Research in mice led by Harvard Medical School and Boston Children’s Hospital now reveals that the FDA-approved...

Coronavirus blood-clot mystery intensifies

Coronavirus blood-clot mystery intensifies

Research begins to pick apart the mechanisms behind a deadly COVID-19 complication. Purple rashes, swollen legs, clogged catheters and sudden death — blood clots, large and small, are a frequent complication of COVID-19, and researchers are just beginning to untangle why. For weeks, reports have poured in of the disease’s effects throughout the body, many...


Men’s blood contains greater concentrations of enzyme that helps COVID-19 infect cells

Evidence from a large study of several thousand patients shows that men have higher concentrations of angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) in their blood than women. Since ACE2 enables the coronavirus to infect healthy cells, this may help to explain why men are more vulnerable to COVID-19 than women. The study, published in the European Heart...

Temple finds link between blood vessel inflammation, malfunctioning cellular powerhouses

Temple finds link between blood vessel inflammation, malfunctioning cellular powerhouses

CREDIT: TEMPLE UNIVERSITY HEALTH SYSTEM (Philadelphia, PA) – The vast majority of cells in the human body contain tiny power plants known as mitochondria that generate much of the energy cells use for day-to-day activities. Like a dynamic renewable resource, these little power plants are constantly dividing and uniting in processes called fission and fusion....